Index of Gnostic Teachings
June 25, 2016 version

The Gnostics were a gullible group, who wanted to believe in Christ combined with various Greek paganism and philosophy too.
Sethian Gnostics
Irenaeus Explaining Sethite Errors
Tertullian Explaining Sethite Errors
Hippolytus Explaining Sethite Errors
Justin's Book of Baruch (from Sethians?)
The Secret Book of John (Sethian)
The Reality of the Rulers (Sethian)
The Revelation of Adam (Sethian)
Three Forms of First Thought (Sethian)
The Sermon of Zostrianos (Sethian)
The Baptismal Ceremony of the Gospel of the Egyptians (Sethian)
Thunder (Sethian)
The Letter to Philip (Sethian)
Valentinian Gnostics
The Gospel of Truth (Valentinian)
The Gospel of Philip (Valentinian)
Ptolemy's Letter to Flora (Valentinian)
Herakleon's/Heracleon's Commentary on the Gospel of John (Valentinian)
The Treatise on the Resurrection (Valentinian)
Valentinian Liturgical Readings
The Secret Book of James (Valentinian)
The Round Dance of the Cross (Valentinian)
Songs of Solomon (Valentinian)
The Song of the Pearl (Valentinian)
The Book of Thomas (Valentinian)
The Exegesis on the Soul (Valentinian)
On the Origin of the World (Valentinian)
The Paraphrase of Shem (Valentinian)
The Second Treatise of the Great Seth (Valentinian)
The Gospel of Mary (Valentinian)
The Naassene Sermon
Hermetic Gnostics
Poimandres (Hermetic)
The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth (Hermetic)
The Prayer of Thanksgiving (Hermetic)

This is from The Gnostic Bible

There is a lot of misinformation the author present on Gnosticism. The Gnostic Bible p.1

In Justin's Book of Baruch god is known as "good" and Priapos (a Greco-Roman phallic god). The Gnostic Bible p.4

Mention of the demiurge The Gnostic Bible p.5

The Nag Hammadi scrolls were found December 1945. The Gnostic Bible p.10

Gnosticism is "an anti-cosmic protest movement" The Gnostic Bible p.13

The author provides a rationale for not-too-honest translations of texts. The point is to make the text sing or come alive, not be true to what the original said. The Gnostic Bible p.22

Sir Thomas More was against Tyndale. The Gnostic Bible p.25

Gnosticism's highest goal is seeking Wisdom, not God. The Gnostic Bible p.38

Thomas' Jesus was neither the Christ nor the Messiah. The Gnostic Bible p.38

The Gospel of Thomas (12) says that heaven and earth came into being for the sake of James (Yaakov). The Gnostic Bible p.47 (But how can that be, if the material world is bad and was made a bad god? Did the Gospel of Thomas writer forget his Gnostic presupposition and contradict himself here?)

The Gospel of Thomas (31) says that a doctor does not heal those who know the doctor. Apparently those who know the Gnostic Jesus are not healed by him! The Gnostic Bible p.53

The Gospel of Thomas says 24 Jewish prophets spoke of Jesus. How can this be, if the Old Testament God is bad? The Gnostic Bible p.57

In The Gospel of Thomas (57) Jesus mentions they have to bear the cross like he did. The Gnostic Bible p.57

In the Gospel of Thomas (100) Jesus said to give unto Caesar what is Caesar's, give to God what is God's, and "give me mine." The Gnostic Bible p.67

Achamoth was a lower form of wisdom. The Gnostic Bible p.114

Sethian Gnostics

Irenaeus Explaining Sethite Errors

Irenaeus Against Heresies (170-202 A.D.) book 1 ch.30 p.354-358 discusses the Ophites and Sethians together.

To them the highest God, the Father of all, is named Bythus. His Ennoea, coming from him produced the son of man [not Christ]. Below these is the Holy Spirit the first woman, and then the elements: water, darkness, the abyss, chaos. The Son of Man and Holy Spirit begat a third male, called Christ. The Father of all also had relations with the Holy Spirit, but she could not take it, so it cased an imbalance on her left side. Christ was on her right side, so she was immediately caught up with the Holy Spirit to form an incorruptible aeon. What as in her left side fell downward. It is called Sinistra, Prunicus, and Sophia, as well as masculo-feminine. This created matter and the world. The Holy Spirit's Son [Christ] sent forth a son, who sent for a second, up to seven generations. This was the Hebdoman [of aeons]. The one who first descended from the mother is Ialdabaoth; Iao descended after him, then Sabaoth, then Adoneus, then Eloseus, then Oreus, then Astanphaeus. Ialdabaoth holds his mother in contempt. His son, Nous, who was in heaven and paradise, is twisted in the form of a serpent, and oblivion, wickedness, emulation, envy, and death came from him. There is much more. Later on, the serpent that was cast down is also called Michael and Samael. Ialdabaoth was angry with people that this did not worship or honor him as father and God, so he sent a flood. But Sophia opposed him and Noah and his family were saved in an ark by Sophia's besprinkling of light. Ialdabaoth chose Abraham, and then used Moses, Joshua, Amos, Habakkuk. However, Samuel, Nathan, Jonah, and Micah belonged to Iao. Elijah , Joel, and Zecharaiah belonged to Sabaoth. Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Daniel to Adonai. Tobias and Haggai to Eloi. Zephaniah to Astanphaeus. After Jesus was born, Christ united to Sophia and descended into Jesus, and hence Jesus Christ was produced. Christ and Sophia departed when Jesus was crucified. After that, Christ sent down a certain energy into Jesus which raised him up again in the body.

"Such are the opinions which prevail among these persons, by whom, like the Lernaean hydra, a many-headed beast has been generated from the school of Valentinus. For some of them assert that Sophia herself became the serpent; on which account she was hostile to the creator of Adam, and implanted knowledge in men, for which reason the serpent was called wiser than all others." Irenaeus Against Heresies book 1 ch.30 p.358

Tertullian Explaining Sethite Errors

Tertullian wrote: "shame on Marcion's eraser." The Gnostic Bible p.18

Tertullian (200-220 A.D.) discusses the Ophites, Cainites, and Sethites in Against All Heresies ch.2 p.650-651

The Ophites magnify the serpent to such a degree, that they prefer him even to Christ Himself; for it was he, they say, who gave us the origin of the knowledge of good and of evil." They point to Moses setting up the brazen serpent and quote John 3:14. The evil being (demiurge) is called Ialdabaoth. Against All Heresies ch.2 p.650

Tertullian very briefly describes the Sethites. They believed in two beings formed by the angels: cane and Abel, and Seth who replaced Abel. Later there had been "iniquitous permixtures" of two angels and human beings, and this is why Virtue (the mother) sent the flood. But unknown to Mother-Virtue, eight souls were saved in the ark, including Ham, who had the seed of evil. They call Christ Seth.

Hippolytus Explaining Sethite Errors

Hippolytus (225-235/236 A.D) in The Refutation of All Heresies book 5 ch.14-15 p.64-68 gives an extensive description of "Sithians". Hippolytus explains they tried to combine beliefs of natural philosophy, particularly Musaeus, Linus, and Orpheus, with the Bible. There were three in the garden: Adam, Eve, and the serpent. Later there were Cain, Abel, and Seth. , and later Shem, Ham, and Japheth., or Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, or three days before the sun and moon were created.

Hippolytus says the Sethians had three principles of the universe: light, darkness, and spirit. The Refutation of All Heresies book 5 ch.17 p.64-65 and book 10 ch.7 p.142-143

Hippolytus says the Sethians believed the heavens and earth had a form like a womb with a naval. The Refutation of All Heresies book 5 ch.14 p.65 and book 10 ch.7 p.143

Hippolytus said the Sethians had wild parties. The Refutation of All Heresies book 5 ch.15 p.67.

The Sethians had a great number of commentaries. The Refutation of All Heresies book 5 ch.16 p.67-68

The Sethians have their book, The Paraphrase of Seth. Hippolytus The Refutation of All Heresies ch.17 p.68

The Secret Book of John (Sethian)

(2nd century of earlier?)

There are four manuscripts of The Secret Book of John preserved today. The Gnostic Bible p.135

Yaldabaoth was produced by Sophia's growth, with no male. Yaldabaoth has the body of a snake and the head of a lion. It is he that created the world. The Secret Book of John. The Gnostic Bible p.146

Elohim has the face of a bear. Yahweh has the face of a cat. One is just and one is unjust. Yahweh owns fire and wind. Elohim owns water and earth. One is called Cain, the other Abel. The Secret Book of John. The Gnostic Bible p.160

Torture and eternal punishment, with no repentance, are for those who had no knowledge. The Secret Book of John. The Gnostic Bible p.162

The first rule later regretted the evil he caused. So he sent a deluge to wipe everything out. However, the enlightened one warned Noah who warned others. The Secret Book of John. The Gnostic Bible p.163

The Reality of the Rulers (Sethian)

(before 350 C.E.)

The Reality of the Rulers was written sometime before 350 C.E. The Demiurge Samael arrogantly asserts he is the one true god. The Gnostic Bible p.166

Zoe, virgin daughter of Sophia (wisdom) will battle and punish the creator himself. The Reality of Rulers. The Gnostic Bible p.167

The dark rulers pursued and tried to rape Eve. However, the only raped a form of her. The snake, called the instructor, urge Eve to eat the fruit and gain knowledge. The Reality of Rulers. The Gnostic Bible p.167

Norea/Orea, Eve's virgin daughter, asks Noah to enter the ark too. Noah refuses, so she blows on it and burns it down. Noah had to build a second ark. The Reality of Rulers. The Gnostic Bible p.173

Mention of the seventh heaven. The Reality of Rulers. The Gnostic Bible p.176

The Revelation of Adam (Sethian)

(1st or 2nd century C.E.)

The Revelation of Adam was written in the first or second century C.E. The Gnostic Bible p.178.

The Revelation of Adam called the Demiurge Sakla, which means fool in Aramaic. The Revelation of Adam. The Gnostic Bible p.183

Mention of the mystic name for the holy seed: Yesseus Mazareus Yessedekeus. The Revelation of Adam. The Gnostic Bible p.188.

Three Forms of First Thought (Sethian)

(ca.200 C.E.)

Three Forms of First Thought was in its present form about 200 C.E. The Gnostic Bible p.189

The pagan Porphyry was against Gnostics who used this and the Vision of the Foreigner. The Gnostic Bible p.212.

The Sermon of Zostrianos (Sethian)

(Nag Hammadi Codex 8,1 p.130,14 to 132.5)

The Sermon of Zostrianos is only about a page and mentions the holy offspring to Seth. The Gnostic Bible p.216

"Flee from the madness and the fetter of femaleness and choose the salvation of maleness." The Sermon of Zostrianos The Gnostic Bible p.216

The Sermon of Zostrianos says "The good father has sent you the savior". The Gnostic Bible p.217

The Baptismal Ceremony of the Gospel of the Egyptians (Sethian)

(Nag Hammadi Codex 4,2 p.75,24 to 80,15)

Seth established what is holy and the baptism that surpasses the heavens..." The Baptismal Ceremony of the Gospel of the Egyptians The Gnostic Bible p.219.

Thunder (Sethian)

(Nag Hammadi Codex 6,2 p.13,1 to 21,32)

Thunder is a metaphor for the perfect mind. The Gnostic Bible p.224

The Book of Thunder is full of deliberate contradictions/paradoxes. "I am the whore and holy. I am the wife and the virgin." Thunder The Gnostic Bible p.226

The Letter to Philip (Sethian)

(Nag Hammadi Codex 8,2 p.132,10 to 140,27)

"So would it be agreeable to you, our brother, to come according to the orders of our god Jesus? The Letter to Philip The Gnostic Bible p.234

"Now Peter opened his mouth and said to his students, 'When our lord Jesus was in the body, he revealed everything to us. He came down. ... And he was filled with holy spirit and spoke in this way: 'Our luminary Jesus came down and was crucified. He wore a crown of thorns, was clothed in a purple robe, crucified upon a cross, and buried in a tomb. And he rose from the dead. My brothers, Jesus is a stranger to this suffering. But we are the ones who have suffered through the mother's [Eve/Sophia's] transgression." The Letter to Philip The Gnostic Bible p.238

Mention of the lord Jesus being the child of the father's immeasurable glory. The Letter to Philip The Gnostic Bible p.238

Justin's Book of Baruch (from Sethians?)

(Hippolytus mentions this book)

The Gnostic Bible considers Justin's Book of Baruch a work of Sethian Gnosticism. Hippolytus disagrees though, and presents Justin/Justinus as a different school, though related to the Sethians. The Refutation of All Heresies book 5 ch.17 p.68

Justin's highest being is "the Good One" He wrote the Book of Baruch, and many things he took from Herodotus. The Refutation of All Heresies book 5 ch.19 p.69

As in Herodotus, Hercules was traveling through Scythia on his horse, he lay down to sleep, and when he awoke, his horse had been stolen. He went in search of it, and did not find it, but found a half-woman, half-snake who said she would tell him where his horse was only if he impregnated her, so he did so. She had three children: Agathyrsus, Gelonus, and Scytha. The Refutation of All Heresies book 5 ch.10 p.69-70

Justin taught there are three unbegotten principles of the universe: one male called good, a second male called father of all begotten things, who is Elohim and who is invisible, and the third is female similar to the woman-snake in Herodotus' account. The girl is named Edem and Israel.

Elohim and Edem had relations and procreated twelve angels: Michael, Amen, Baruch, Gabriel, Esaddaeus,... And of the maternal angels were Babel (=Venus), Achamoth, Naas, Bel, Belias, Satan, Sael, Adonaeus, Leviathan, Pharao, Carcamenos, and Lathen. Naas was the third of the maternal angels. Elohim later regretted what he did, and ascended to the Good One, (abandoning Edem). Edem got mad and commanded Babel, who is Venus, to cause adulteries and dissolutions among men. Naas committed sin for going into Eve, deceiving her, and committing immorality with her. The Refutation of All Heresies book 5 ch.21 p.71. See Justin's Book of Baruch in The Other Bible p.639.

So Elohim sent Hercules to conquer the twelve angels of Edem, and release the Father from the twelve angels. However, Omphale (= Babel = Venus) enticed Hercules and Hercules' works are unfulfilled. Baruch comes to Nazareth and tells Jesus everything. Naas was not able to seduce Jesus, so Naas had Jesus crucified. The good one is Priapus [the Greco-Roman god of male sexuality] Justin's Book of Baruch in The Other Bible p.640.

In Justin's Book of Baruch the creator, Elohim, is not evil, but he is bumbling, neglectful, and abandons his wife Edem [Eden]. The Gnostic Bible p.119

"Naas [the serpent] had transgression, for he approached Eve and seduced her and debauched her and he also approached Adam and used him as a boy. This was the origin of adultery and pederasty.... Baruch was sent to Moses, and though him spoke to the sons of Israel ... but the third angel of Eden, Naas, though the soul given by Eden and dwelling in Moses, as in all men, overshadowed the commandments of Baruch and made his own commandments heard.... For the soul is Eden, while the spirit is Elohim; and each is in all, both female and male. After that Baruch was sent against to the prophets, ... Naas beguiled the prophets, ... Finally, Elohim chose a prophet from the uncircumcision, Heracles [Hercules], and sent him to contend with the twelve angels of Eden and to free the spirit of the Father from the twelve evil angels of the creation. These are the twelve labors of Heracles... Finally, 'in the days of king Herod', Baruch was sent again by Elohim, and he came to Nazareth and found Jesus,..." Justin's Book of Baruch in The Other Bible p.640.

In Justin's Book of Baruch the creator, Elohim, is not evil, but he is bumbling, neglectful, and abandons his wife Edem [Eden]. The Gnostic Bible p.119

In Justin's Book of Baruch there 12 twelve good (paternal) angels, and 12 evil (maternal) angels. One maternal angel named Naas is actually a male. The "Good" had Elohim send three prophets, a Jew, a Greek, and a Christian. So he sent Moses and Hercules. Hercules defeated twelve maternal angels with his twelve labors, but Omphale seduced him and imprisoned him, so his work was for naught. Moses likewise failed. So the third prophet sent was Jesus. The Gnostic Bible p.122

Justin's Book of Baruch says that Jesus was crucified and spiritually rose from the dead. The Gnostic Bible p.123

Sex with boys is transgression in Justin's Book of Baruch. The Gnostic Bible p.129-130

Valentinian Gnostics

Valentinian Gnostic churches could have women leaders. The Gnostic Bible p.240

Irenaeus Explaining Valentinian Errors

Irenaeus (170-202 A.D.) said that Valentinus and his followers took their principles form the heathen with only changing the names. For example, in the Theogony of Antiphanes, chaos was produced from night and silence. Love and light came from chaos and night. Then he has a second generation of gods. Gnostics substituted Bythus, Sige, and Nous for night, silence, and chaos. Irenaeus Against Heresies book 2 ch.14 p.376-377

Valentinians eat meat sacrificed to idols, some go to bloody spectaclues, and some are sexually immoral. Irenaeus Against Heresies book 1 ch.6.2 p.324


Tertullian Explaining Valentinian Errors

Tertullian spoke against the "Valentinian Trinity" in A Treatise on the Soul ch.21 p.202


The Gospel of Truth (Valentinian)

(Nag Hammadi Codex I p.16,31 to 42.24)

The "Father" is called "the father of truth" not the creator. The Gospel of Truth. The Gnostic Bible p.242,243

In The Gospel of Truth error is a feminine deity. The Gnostic Bible p.242.

Jesus made the goddess error powerless, so she had Jesus nailed to a tree. Jesus became a fruit of the knowledge of the father. He did not destroy those who ate of it, but caused them to be joyful because of this discovery. The Gospel of Truth. The Gnostic Bible p.243

Jesus knew that his death meant life for many. The Gospel of Truth. The Gnostic Bible p.244

In The Gospel of Truth, the death of Jesus revealed the truth of the father, not save from sin. The Gnostic Bible p.245

"Thus the word [Jesus] of the father goes forth into all." The Gospel of Truth. The Gnostic Bible p.246

Dishes are often broken when moving. Nonetheless, the householder rejoices, because they get replaced with perfect dishes. The Gospel of Truth. The Gnostic Bible p.247

"The son [Jesus] appeared, informing them of the father." The Gospel of Truth. The Gnostic Bible p.250

The Gospel of Philip (Valentinian)

(Nag Hammadi Codex 2,3 p.51,29 to 86.19)

The Valentinian Gnostic Gospel of Philip has no narrative, just pithy sayings. For example, "A gentile doesn't die, never having been alive to die." The Gospel of Philip The Gnostic Bible p.259

"Only one name is not uttered in the world: the name the father gave the son." The Gospel of Philip The Gnostic Bible p.261

"Some say the holy spirit inseminated Mary. They are wrong and don't know what they are saying. When did a woman every get a woman pregnant? Mary is a virgin and no powers dirtied her." The Gospel of Philip The Gnostic Bible p.263

"Three Marys walked with the lord: His mother, his sister, and Mary of Magdala [Mary Magdalene], his companion." The Gospel of Philip The Gnostic Bible p.267.

"The companion is Mary of Magdala. Jesus loved her more than his students. He kissed her often on her face, more than all his students, and they said, 'Why do you love her more than us?' The Gospel of Philip The Gnostic Bible p.273

"Think of sex. Is possesses deep power, though its image is filthy." The Gospel of Philip The Gnostic Bible p.275

"Truth didn't come into the world naked but in types and images." The Gospel of Philip The Gnostic Bible p.277

"The messengers called this power 'the right and left.' You are not longer a Christian but Christ." The Gospel of Philip The Gnostic Bible p.277

The Gospel of Philip says that the world came into being through error. Both the world and its maker were not incorruptible. The Gnostic Bible p.286

"A horse sires a horse, a human gives birth to a human, a god engenders a god." The Gospel of Philip The Gnostic Bible p.287

The Gospel of Philip claims they were Christians. The Gnostic Bible p.287

The Gospel of Philip claims that Abraham being circumcised showed that it is right to destroy the flesh. The Gnostic Bible p.259

Allusion to the ark, which will be the salvation of people when the flood goes over them. The Gospel of Philip The Gnostic Bible p.297

Ptolemy's Letter to Flora (Valentinian)

(Quote from Epiphanius of Salamis in his Panarion 33.3-7)

Ptolemy was a disciple of Valentinian and succeeded him after 160 A.D. He wrote an allegorical exegesis of the Gospel of John. Orthodox Christians distinguished between the parts of the Torah they were to follow and the parts that passed away. Ptolemy said that the Torah had three parts by three authors: the pure law of the Ten Commandments, Moses' additions, and additions by the elders. The Gnostic Bible p.299-300.

The three parts of the Law of God are purge not mixed with evil which Jesus came not to destroy but to complete, legislation interwoven with inferiority and injustice, which Jesus came to destroy, and the third part is exemplary and symbolic, an image of the "spiritual and transcendent, which the savior transferred from perceptible and phenomenal to the spiritual and invisible." Ptolemy's Letter to Flora. The Gnostic Bible p.303

Mention that Jesus taught not to resist one who is evil, but if anyone hits you turn the other cheek. Ptolemy's Letter to Flora. The Gnostic Bible p.305

The Law is by the demiurge. Ptolemy's Letter to Flora. The Gnostic Bible p.305

Herakleon's/Heracleon's Commentary on the Gospel of John (Valentinian)

(Origen's Commentary of John corrects errors in Herakleon's)

Heracleon, it was said, was a friend of Valentinus. Origen's Commentary on John book 2 ch.8 p.331

The demiurge was a lesser god. Herakleon's Commentary on John. The Gnostic Bible p.308

Herakleon's Commentary on John mentions that John the Baptist said he was not the Christ, nor a prophet, nor Elijah. Herakleon's Commentary on John. The Gnostic Bible p.310

The Treatise on the Resurrection (Valentinian)

(Nag Hammadi Codex 1,4 p.43,25 to 50.18)

The Lord revealed himself to be the son of God. The Treatise on the Resurrection. The Gnostic Bible p.327-328

"The savior swallowed death. The Treatise on the Resurrection. The Gnostic Bible p.328

Valentinian Liturgical Readings

(Nag Hammadi Codex 11 p.40,1 to 44,37)

Mentions glorifying the father in the son, the father in the holy church, and the father in the holy angels. On Anointing The Gnostic Bible p.336

The Secret Book of James (Valentinian)

(Nag Hammadi Codex 1,2 p.1,1 to 16,30)

Written to someone named ____thos, perhaps Cerinthus. The Secret Book of James. The Gnostic Bible p.341

Mention that Jesus rose from the dead. (Unspecified whether physical or just spiritual. The Secret Book of James. The Gnostic Bible p.342

Mention of [God the] father. "None will be saved unless they believe in my cross," The Secret Book of James. The Gnostic Bible p.344

Criticizes orthodox Christians. "Shame on you are in need of an advocate. Shame on you who stand in need of grace." The Secret Book of James. The Gnostic Bible p.347

The Round Dance of the Cross (Valentinian)

(in Greek)

The Round Dance of the Cross is a Dance led by the leader, who plays the part of Jesus. The Round Dance of the Cross. The Gnostic Bible p.352.

"Glory to your, father." The Round Dance of the Cross. The Gnostic Bible p.352.

Glory to you, father, Glory to you, word, Glory to you, spirit. Amen. The Round Dance of the Cross. The Gnostic Bible p.355

Songs of Solomon (Valentinian)

(in Greek)

Mentions of god the father. Song of Solomon Song 9 The Gnostic Bible p.364

Mention of milk coming from God the father's breasts. Song of Solomon Song 19 The Gnostic Bible p.371

Mention of the elect. Song of Solomon Song 23 The Gnostic Bible p.373

"The letter became a great tablet, a volume written by the finger of god. On it was the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit, and their word of dominion forever. Song of Solomon Song 24 The Gnostic Bible p.374

The Song of the Pearl (Valentinian)

The Song of the Pearl was probably pre-Christian. The Gnostic Bible p.386

The Song of the Pearl was a supplement to the apocryphal Greek Acts of Thomas. The Gnostic Bible p.388

The Book of Thomas (Valentinian)

(Nag Hammadi Codex 2,7 p.138,1 to 145.19)

"Then the savior continued and said, 'Oh, unsearchable love of light! Oh, bitterness of the fire! You blaze in the bodies of people, and in the marrow of their bones, blazing in them night and day, burning their limbs and making their minds drunk and their souls deranged. You dominate males and females day and night, you move and arouse them secretly and visibly...." The Book of Thomas The Gnostic Bible p.398

The Book of Thomas says Shame on people who hope in the flesh and the prison that will perish. Footnote 21 says that the body being the perishable prison of the soul is in Platonic and Orphic thought. The Gnostic Bible p.401

The Book of Thomas says shame on non-Gnostics. The Gnostic Bible p.402.

The Exegesis on the Soul (Valentinian)

(Nag Hammadi Codex 2,6 p.128,18 to 137.27)

Gnostics often allegorically interpreted scripture. The Gnostic Bible p.405,412

The Exegesis on the Soul has many sexually filthy things in it. The Gnostic Bible p.401-412

The Exegesis on the Soul puts together Odysseus, Helen, Aphrodite and Psalms. The Gnostic Bible p.412-413

On the Origin of the World (Valentinian)

(Nag Hammadi Codex 2,5 p.92,24 to 127.17)

On the Origin of the World is similar to the Sethian Reality of Rules, though it has some different doctrines. Yaldebaoth arrogantly thinks that he is god alone. The Gnostic Bible p.415

Mention of Eros, a Greek god of love. On the Origin of the World The Gnostic Bible p.415

On the Origin of the World mentions seven heavens. The Gnostic Bible p.421

There are seven (lesser) gods. On the Origin of the World The Gnostic Bible p.421

There are 49 androgynous demons. On the Origin of the World The Gnostic Bible p.423

Eve (who is also called hermaphrodite) was androgynous too. . On the Origin of the World The Gnostic Bible p.427

The instructor told Eve to disregard the seven spirits and eat the fruit. (The instructor was right.) . On the Origin of the World The Gnostic Bible p.431

The phoenix is a good bird that kills itself and then reanimates itself. . On the Origin of the World The Gnostic Bible p.433

Different spirits varied in election. . On the Origin of the World The Gnostic Bible p.435

The Paraphrase of Shem (Valentinian)

(Nag Hammadi Codex 7,1 p.1,1 to 49,9)

The Paraphrase of Shem is sort of part Sethian Gnostic and part Manichaean. The Gnostic Bible p.438

The main good deity in The Paraphrase of Shem if called Derdekeas. The Gnostic Bible p.440

The Paraphrase of Shem is sexually filthy. The Gnostic Bible p.442,448

The Paraphrase of Shem says it was demons that brought the flood and the Tower of Babel. The Gnostic Bible p.451-452

The Paraphrase of Shem says that Sodom, city of Gnosis was burned unjustly. The Gnostic Bible p.454

Shem would not be able to pass by a wicked region without Elorchaios, Amoias, Strophaias, Chelkeak, Chelkea, and Elais. The Paraphrase of Shem The Gnostic Bible p.455

The Paraphrase of Shem is against water baptism like orthodox Christians practiced. The Gnostic Bible p.442,448

The Second Treatise of the Great Seth (Valentinian)

(Nag Hammadi Codex 7,2 p.49,10 to 70,12)

Christ did not really die according to The Second Treatise of the Great Seth. The Gnostic Bible p.465

The Second Treatise of the Great Seth mentions the Father. The Gnostic Bible p.467 and the fatherhood of the spirit. The Gnostic Bible p.469

Simon [presumably from Cyrene] bore the cross of Jesus. The Second Treatise of the Great Seth. The Gnostic Bible p.470

Emphasizes that things are ludicrous. Adam, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, and Solomon were also laughingstocks. The Gnostic Bible p.473

The Gospel of Mary (Valentinian)

(Berlin Gnostic Codex 8502,1 p.7,1 to 19,5)

"Peter said to Mary, 'Sister, we know that the savior loved you more than other women. Tell us the words of the savior that you remember, which you know and we do not. We have not heard them.' Mary answers, saying, 'What is hidden from you I will reveal to you.'" The Gospel of Mary. The Gnostic Bible p.479

The Naassene Sermon

(Hippolytus' Refutation of All Heresies 5.6.3-11.1)

Mention of Kronos, Zeus, Rhea, Attis, or Adonis as real, blessed beings. The Naassene Sermon. The Gnostic Bible p.483

Adam = Oannes of the Assyrians = Attis of the Samothracians = Corybant by the Thracians = Papas by the Phrygians = corpse by the Phrygians = sterile by the Phrygians. The Naassene Sermon. The Gnostic Bible p.484-489

Adam was called corpse by the Phrygians. "This is the meaning of 'You are whitened tombs, full of dead men's bones within, since there is no living man among you,' and again, 'the dead will come forth from the sepulchers.' The Naassene Sermon. The Gnostic Bible p.488.

The Phrygians also call him [Adam, etc.] sterile when he is fleshly and performs the 'lust of the flesh.' This is what is meant by 'every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is cut down and cast into fire.' [Mt 3:10; 7:19; Lk 3:9] The Naassene Sermon. The Gnostic Bible p.489

"Jesus said, Look, father, she is wandering the earth and evil is trying to catch her. [Her is the third place in this law of cosmic genesis]." The Naassene Sermon. The Gnostic Bible p.493

Hermetic Gnostics

Poimandres (Hermetic)


Poimandres is the mind [nous] of absolute power. Poimandres. The Gnostic Bible p.503

The first mind, which was both male and female, conceived through the word another mind, the demiurge, who made seven rulers. Their government is called destiny. Poimandres. The Gnostic Bible p.505

"Earth was the female element, water the generative male element;" etc. Poimandres. The Gnostic Bible p.507

"So with all my soul and strength I praise god the father. Holy is god the father of all, who precedes all beginnings. Poimandres. The Gnostic Bible p.511

The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth (Hermetic)

(Nag Hammadi Library, Codex 6,6 p.52,1 to 63,32)

In The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth the Greco-Roman god Hermes Trismegistos takes his student pass the seven heavenly spheres (Sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) The Gnostic Bible p.512

The teacher, Hermes Trismegistos, is called father. The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth. The Gnostic Bible p.513,514

Writing vowels in a pattern was significant to them. The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth. The Gnostic Bible p.516,518

"This is the oath: I adjure you who will read this holy book, by heaven and earth and fire and water and seven rulers of substance and the creative spirit in them and the god not conceived and the self-conceived one and the one who has been conceived, that you guard what Hermes has communicated. The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth. The Gnostic Bible p.519-520.

The Prayer of Thanksgiving (Hermetic)

(Nag Hammadi Library, Codex 6,7 p.63,33 to 65,7)

"O name free of trouble, honored with the designation god, praised with the designation father." The Prayer of Thanksgiving. The Gnostic Bible p.522.

After praying this they ate their sacred bloodless [vegetarian?] food." The Prayer of Thanksgiving. The Gnostic Bible p.523

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 December 2016 version. 

by Steven M. Morrison, PhD.