Bible Query Privacy Policy
Christian Debater (tm); P.O. 144441 Austin, TX 78714. /
We value your privacy. We collect no information on any individuals when they access our site. Thus we do not give out your name or other identification to anyone.
We do look at overall numbers and what queries are performed though.
If we did collect information, we would tell you why we were collecting it, with whom we would share that information, and you would then have the choice to remain anonymous.
We would take reasonable precautions to prevent the data from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.
However, as previously stated, we currently do not track who is accessing our site and we are collecting no information except overall statistics.
When you submit a question or comment to us, we reserve the right to publish part or all of the question, and the answer. We may edit your questions and comments for brevity and clarity. However, unless you state
otherwise we will attempt to remove all identifying information, including name, email address, company, and other individual information. Nevertheless,
if in your email you recommend your own or another site we might keep that site reference though.
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