Second Great Awakening until Roe v. Wade Teaching on Speech Grid – Oct. 2024
Legend for Cells |
Sp1. Have pure speech Pr4:24;15:2; Eph 4:29; Jms 3:2-12 |
Sp11. Don’t boast about yourself. Jer 9:23; 1 Cor 1:31; 2 Cor 10:17; Gal 6:14; Eph 2:9; Jms 4:13-14 |
W = Wrote explicitly on this teaching |
Sp2. No filthy talk Eph 4:29 |
Sp12. Don’t be a reviler |
I = Implied this is true or opposite is false |
Sp3. If we deny Christ He will deny us |
Sp13. Bless those who revile/curse you |
N = Implied since accepted Nicene Creed |
Sp4. Forsake lies Eph 4:25; Prov 12:19-20 |
Sp14. Do not murmur Num 14:2; 17:5;Jn 6:43;Jde16 |
M = Mixed: some agree, others would not |
Sp5. Don’t swear false oaths / falsely |
P = partial ex: Irenaeus: Gnostics wrong to say Savior not killed since impassible |
Sp6. Do not swear oaths Mt 5:34-37; Jms 5:12 |
Sp7. Don’t use flattery (on others) 1 Th 2:5,6,7 |
- = no reference found (so far) |
Sp8. Slandering people is bad.Ps15:3;Pr10:18;Mt15:19;Eph4:31 |
X = Disagree |
Sp9. Do not be a gossip or chatterer 1 Tim 5:13 |
blank = not researched yet |
Sp10. Confess your sins to others Jms 5:16 |
Writer totals include W’s & I’s but not P’s |
Rows: blue=Bible manuscript, white=Christian writer, khaki=spurious, green=heresy, orange=schism, pink=strange writer, yellow=foreign missions, red=Christians persecuted, purple=Roman Catholics persecuting, brown=Christians persecuting
Christian writer, heretic, or Bible manuscript |
Pages |
Date A.D. |
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Second Great Awakening in North America & England |
1790-1840 |
Presbyterians, Methodists, Campbellites |
Adam Clarke Irish Wesleyan commentator |
1782-1832 |
Restoration Movement (Campbellites), Church of Christ and Disciples of Christ came out of these. |
1832- |
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Friedrich Schleiermacher |
1790-1834 |
Rationalist reformed theologian who rejected the virgin birth of Christ |
Medical Missionary Society founded in Scotland |
1841 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30 – AD 2200 p.140 |
Revival in Norway. |
1842 |
Revival in the state church. Norwegian Mission Society started. |
Turks & Kurds persecute Nestorians (2 times) |
1842-1843 |
40K Nestorians killed, 50K enslaved per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.140 |
Fidelia Fiske, missionary with ABCFM in Persia |
1843 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30 – AD 2200 p.140 |
About 4,000 rural circuit riders in the U.S. |
1844 |
Persian Nestorian revival In Urmia, NW Iran |
1844 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30 – AD 2200 p.140 |
K. von Tischendorf finds Codex Sinaiticus near Mt. Sinai |
1844 |
390 leaves + parts of 6 others were found at the St. Catherine’s Monastery at Mt. Sinai. |
Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) started by Sir George Williams. |
1844- |
Originally founded by evangelicals, in the USA it has lost its Christian vision |
Millerites, founded by lay Baptist pastor William Miller in NE New York. JW’s, Christadelphians, SDA came from them. |
1831-10/1844 |
Said Christ would return between Mar 21, 1843 and Mar. 21, 1844. 50K to 100K followers. Then Oct. 22, 1844 which was later known as The Great Disappointment. |
First missionaries to Tanganyika (Tanzania today) |
1840’s |
Johann Ludwig Krapf, Johannes, Rebman, and Jakob Erhardt |
Elizabeth Fry, British Quaker prison reformer |
1811-1845 |
Campaigned to segregate male and female prisoners to stop rape and exploitatio |
Southern Baptist Convention started |
1845 |
Split from Northern Baptists over slave-owning missionaries. 2/3 did not own slaves. |
Thomas Clarkson, British anti-slavery activist |
1785-1846 |
Worked with Wilberforce and others to abolish slavery in Great Britain and the U.S. |
Daniel Coker, a founder of the African-Methodist Episcopal (AME) denomination |
1816-1846 |
Ordained by Asbury. Helped found the AME He started the Bether Charity School for black children to learn too. Later a missionary to coastal west Africa. |
Apparition of Mary of La Sallette (near Grenoble, France), a few hundred miles from Lourdes. |
1846 |
Message to rest on the seventh day and respect God’s name or else the potatoes would rot. There was a potato famine in Europe 1846-1847. |
Badr Khan massacres 20K Nestorians in Kurdistan. Enslave 50K others |
1843 & 1846 |
Europeans protest. Ottomans respond by defeating the Kurds and exiling Badr Khan. |
The Doctrinal Basis of the Evangelical Alliance |
1846 |
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). 1970 2.9M |
1847- |
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Fifth persecution of Christians in Vietnam |
1847 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30 – AD 2200 p.140 |
James Caughey of New York |
1841-1848 |
c.20K in England per World Christian Trends AD 30 – AD 2200 p.140 |
Pope Pius IX of Rome restores Jewish restrictions |
1846-1848 |
All previous restrictions on Jews enforced in the Vatican |
Plymouth Brethren split into Exclusive Brethren and Open Brethren (still called Plymouth Brethren) |
1848 |
Both groups are dispensationalist evangelical Christians. |
Confession of the Evangelical Free Church of Geneva |
1848 |
Thailand expels all Christian missionaries |
1849 |
Not violent though. World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.242 |
Christadelphians deny the Trinity, and H.S. Satan as beings. 1985 only 90K members |
1849- |
Persian Nestorian revival in Iran |
1949,1950 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30 – AD 2200 p.140 |
Medieval Inquisition in France & Europe |
1184-mid 19th cent. |
Tortured & executed Anabaptists, Protestants, & a few Catholics |
Adoniram & Ann Judson missionaries to Burma |
1825-1850 |
Adiniram knew Greek, Latin, and Hebrew. He translated the Bible into Burmese. |
Babis |
1844-1850 |
Azalis & Baha'is, offshoots of Islam |
1850 & 1863- |
French nurse and nun Bertine Bouquillon |
-1950 |
Predicts the end of time is near and Antichrist will not delay |
Estimated 324 million Christians. World pop. 1.203B |
1850 |
World Christian Trends AD 30 – AD 2200 p.97. 27% of 1.203 billion world population |
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod split from LCMS. They believe the papacy is the antichrist. c.300K members. |
1850- |
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Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. A very influential book before the Civil War |
1852 |
Calvinist and abolitionist. She said she wrote it, after seeing a vision of a dying black person during a communion service. |
Simon Greenleaf, Christian lawyer |
1783-10/6/1853 |
In 1846 wrote The Testimony of the Evangelists Examined by the Rules of Evidence Administered in Courts of Justice |
Soren Kierkegaard – Danish philosopher |
1843-1855 |
Tokugawa Shoguns persecute Christians in Japan |
1629-1856 |
Those who refused to trample pictures of Jesus or Mary tortured & killed. Many thousands killed |
Jabez Bunting, Methodist revivalist |
1801-1858 |
Advocated foreign missions and power to Methodist conferences. |
18 Apparitions of Mary of Lourdes, France appeared only to a 14-year old girl. About 6 million visit the shrine yearly |
1858 |
There have been many reports of miracles at Lourdes; some have proven to be hoaxes, but 70 are verified. |
First American missionaries allowed in Japan |
1858 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.140 |
Charles Darwin wrote On the Origin of Species |
Nov. 1859 |
Evolution has frequently been used to attack Christianity. |
Revivals in the Netherlands |
c.1860 |
G. van Pinsterer & Abraham Kuyper, per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.142 |
Reorganized LDS (now Community of Christ) splits from LDS (Mormons) |
1860- |
Followed Joseph Smith’s Smith as Smith prophesied, instead of Brigham Young |
Queen Ranavalona I of Madagascar |
1828-1861 |
Killed half of the people of Madagascar (2.5 million), especially Christians |
Sixteenth persecution of Christians in Vietnam |
1861 |
H. Hermosilla, V.B. Ochoa killed. per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.242 |
Lebanese Druze kill 20K Maronites |
1847-1862 |
100K homeless, per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.140 |
Ellen G. White & 7th Day Adventists 16m 1990 |
1863- |
Revivals in USA in both south (150K) and north |
1857-1861 |
Stopped when the Civil War started. per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.141 |
Abraham de Vries, Mennonite theologian |
1801-1862 |
Universal Catholic Church (=new Apostolic Church) |
1863- |
48 apostles. 1985 1.7 million. Not work with other churches, per World Christian Trends AD 30 – AD 2200 p.142 |
Tai-ping rebellion by Hung Hsiu-Chuan, “Jesus’ brother” |
1843-1864 |
Rebelled to found the “Great Peaceful Heavenly Kingdom” 35 million killed |
Nathaniel West , Scotch-Irish Presbyterian minister |
1820-9/1864 |
Missionary, minister, temperance society founder, and anti-slavery activist |
China Inland Mission founded by Hudson Taylor |
1865- |
Also Griffith John, W.A.P. Martin. per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.142 |
“Great persecution” of Catholics in Korea |
1866 |
8,000 killed |
St. Ignaty Brianchaninov (Orthodox, icons) |
1807-1867 |
First national Holiness Camp meeting in Vinland, New Jersey |
1867 |
Had shouting, dancing in the Spirit, holy laughter, holy rolling, per World Christian Trends AD 30 – AD 2200 p.142 |
Confession of Free-Will Baptists |
1834 & 1868 |
1st Vatican Council. 700 R.C. bishops |
1869-1870 |
Creed of the Free Christian Church in Italy |
June 1870 |
Tientsin, China, many Christians killed |
1870 |
2 French priests, 10 nuns, per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.140 |
Insider Movement to Hindus (founded by Kali Chan Banurji) |
1870- |
Danish Lutheran N.F. S. Grundvig |
1783-1872 |
Wanted to absorb heroic Norse mythology into Lutheranism. |
Jehovah’s Witnesses (Watchtower) (8.3 million) |
1872- |
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Frederick Maurice. Christian Socialism founder |
1859-1871 |
Eastern Orthodox “Great Synods” |
1838/1872 |
Leaders of Greek, Russian, and Arab Orthodox Christians all gathered together |
French Declaration of Faith (Reformed) |
1872 |
Salesian Sisters (FMA) in Italy |
1872- |
by 1983 over 17,269 nuns, per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.142 |
Charles Hodge, Reformed, Traducian theologian |
1871-1873 |
Systematic Theology |
David Livingstone, missionary to Africa |
1813-1873 |
Besides evangelizing natives wanted to expose to the world the “horrors” of slavery |
Phoebe Palmer, a founder of the holiness movement |
1837-1874 |
Methodist speaker and writer of “entire sanctification” |
Marcus & Narcissa Whitman. Henry & Eliza Spalding |
1837-1847-1874 |
Presbyterian missionaries to the Nez Perce, Spokane, Cayuse, and other Indians. First white women in the northwest. |
Samuel P. Tregelles. Quaker, then Plymouth Brethren, then Presbyterian or Anglican. |
1828-1875 |
Evangelical theologian, Hebrew scholar, and songwriter. Post-tribulationalist. Bible translator who used ancient manuscripts and early Christian quotes. |
Charles Finney, Arminian revivalist |
1825-1875 |
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Articles of Religion of the Reformed Episcopal Church in America |
May 18, 1875 |
Keswick Convention, annual since 1875 |
1875- |
Evangelical Christians in Great Britain. Founded by an Anglican and a Quaker |
Scottish Anglican-Methodist revivalist Robert Aitken |
1833-1873 |
Preached the imminent return of Christ. Allowed to preach in Methodist churches. |
Salvation Army founded by William Booth and his wife Catherine Munford |
1870-1878- |
Liberal Protestant, Episcopalian |
19th century |
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Julius Mueller. Protestant theologian, pre-existence of souls |
1839-1878 |
Mary Baker Eddy & Christian Science 1.4m 1990 |
1875/79- |
Ethiopians force Muslims and pagans to be Christians |
c.1880 |
Force 500K Gallas to be baptized per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.144 |
Christians exterminated in the Sudan |
1880’s |
“The Mahdi”, Muhammad Ahmad has all Christians in the Sudan killed |
John N. Darby. Plymouth Brethren. A founder of modern dispensationalism. |
1825-1882 |
Edward Pusey. Anglo-Catholic in the Oxford Movement |
1825-1882 |
A founder of the Oxford Movement of “high-Anglicanism”. Said Christ’s presence in the Eucharist, pray to and for the dead. |
H.P.S. Schreuder Norwegian Lutheran missionary to Zulus |
1843-1882 |
Also acted as an intermediary between the British and Zulus. |
Isabella van Wagener (aka Sojourner Truth), a black slave |
1843-1883 |
Christian Ministry across the US for end of slavery and women’s rights |
Revivals in Japan |
1872,1883 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.143 |
1 million Telugu outcasts become Christian in South India |
1872,1883 |
Baptists, Lutherans, and Methodists per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.143 |
In Madagascar revolt from French, many Christians killed |
1883 |
Friar J. Berthieu killed. per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.242 |
First Protestant church in Korea |
1884 |
Edict of Tu Duc. Vietnamese to kill Roman Catholics |
1851-1884 |
Killed 90K Catholics and 115 priests, per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.141 |
In Uganda 250 Anglicans and Roman Catholics martyred |
1885 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.242 |
Encyclical Letter of Pope Leo XIII |
1885 |
A.A. Hodge (Traducian Presbyterian) |
1847-1886 |
Presbyterian, missionary to India, important theologian. Said he taught nothing new (i.e. beyond the Bible and those before him) |
Catholics, Anglicans, and Muslims killed in Buganda, and 6/3/1886 in Namugongo, Uganda |
1885-1887 |
Homosexual king Mwanga II of Buganda kills 250 Catholic and Anglican Christians, and Muslims, who were against homosexuality. Muslims overthrow him in 1888. |
Student Volunteer Movement |
1886-1887 |
Started by D.L. Moody in Northfield, Mass., and spread to Great Britain. |
Anglican bishop J.B. Lightfoot, Bible commentator |
1854-1889 |
Wrote over 1,500 pages on NT Commentary, the NT Canon, and apostolic fathers. |
Belgian friar Damien de Veuster of Molokai |
1873-1889 |
Roman Catholic priest worked among lepers and eventually became one himself. |
John Henry Newman Anglican priest to Roman Catholic |
1845-1890 |
In Bhutan Nepali & Lepcha missionaries from India killed |
1890 |
Many were poisoned. per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.242 |
Samuel Crowther (former slave) |
1843-1891 |
Missionary from Sierra Leone to Nigeria. First non-European Anglican bishop |
James & Mary Calvert and John & Hannah Hunt |
1838-1892 |
Two Methodist families (one Calvinist and one Arminian) evangelize cannibals in Fiji |
Charles Spurgeon. almost 3,600 sermons |
49 vols. |
1854-1892 |
Sudan Interior Missions (later SIM International) |
1893- |
In 1985 654 missionaries in 15 nations per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.145 |
Baptist preacher A.J. Gordon |
1863-1895 |
Also a musician, social activist, and college founder. Preached with D.L. Moody. |
Nazarene Church formed |
1895 |
Liberals and masons persecute Catholics in Ecuador |
1895 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.145 |
Turks kill 300,000 Armenians |
1894-1895 |
Armenians tried to be independent like the Balkans, so Turks killed most of them |
The Fundamentals of Protestant fundamentalism |
1895 |
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C.H. Mackintosh Plymouth Brethren. Pentateuch commentaries, and books for children too. |
1843-1896 |
D.L. Moody thought his books the most valuable after the Bible. |
Charles Sheldon |
1896 |
Wrote In His Steps, about What Would Jesus Do. It has sold 50 million copies. |
Henry Drummond, Free Church of Scotland |
1877–1897 |
Influential evangelist. He advocated theistic evolution |
Discovering malaria’s cause greatly helps mission work |
1897 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30 – AD 2200 p.146 |
Gadadhar Chatterji founds Ramakirshna religion |
1850-1897- |
Claims to be the unity of all religions. Group organized by Swami Vivekananda. |
Presbyterian pastor James H. Brooks |
1854-1897 |
Dispensationalist, Millennialist. Niagara Bible Conference, magazine editor |
George Muller. Plymouth Brethren/Open Brethren. |
1830/1836-1898 |
Helped 10,024 orphans, founded 117 schools. Accused of raising the poor above their natural station. |
D.L. Moody and Ira Sankey, evangelists |
1860-1899 |
Preached in America and Great Britain |
Unity Church (Charles Fillmore a founder) |
1899- |
Gideons International started |
1899- |
by 1987 over 400 million Bibles. per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.146 |
James Martineau, Unitarian heretic |
1840-1900 |
Did not believe in the Incarnation of Jesus |
Estimated 400M or 558M Christians. World pop. 1620M |
1900 |
Ante-Nicene Fathers vol.4 p.126 or World Christian Trends AD 30 – AD 2200 p.97,642 |
Boxer rebels in N. China kill many Christians |
1900 |
188 Protestant missionaries, 5 RC bishops, 31 priests. World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.242 |
Pentecostal Movement, Assemblies of God stared in Topeka, Kansas |
1900 |
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Pacific Islanders convert from Christianity to Mormonism |
1855-1900 |
1855 Hawaiian Book of Mormon translation. Hawaiian temple dedicated in 1909 |
First International Congress of Liberal Religion |
1900 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.146 |
D.W. Whittle, hymn writer (wrote words, not music) |
1862-1901 |
friend of D.L. Moody. “to do good a hymn must be founded on God's word and carry the message of God's love.” |
American Standard Version (ASV 1901) |
1901 |
Scholars worked with English 1895 RV translators |
Hugh Price Hughes, influential Welsh Methodist orator |
1869-1902 |
Founded the West London Methodist Mission. Methodist Times newspaper. |
Scottish preacher Alexander MacLaren |
1858-1903 |
Japan Evangelistic Band |
1903- |
Barclay Fowell Buxton and Paget Wilkes founded at the 1903 Keswick Convention |
Hudson and Maria Taylor, missionaries to China |
1832-1905 |
Shintoists kill 5K Christians in Manchuria, China |
1905 |
Persecution of Christians and others, from the USSR to the Khmer Rouge |
Pentecostal C.F. Parham preaches British –Israelism |
1906 |
Said when missionaries speak in tongues, then native peoples will understand them. Missionaries report only failure, per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.146,147 |
Evan Roberts brings Welsh revival. 100K Welsh saved |
1904-1907 |
Also Germany, Switz., & England. per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.147 |
Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ, by L.H. Dowling |
1907 |
Claims Jesus studied Hinduism under gurus. Earth is leaving the zodiacal Age of Pisces (Christianity) and entering the Age of Aquarius (New Age) |
In Adana, Cilicia, Turkey, Armenians killed |
1909 |
Armenian Evangelical Union Christians massacred at their annual conference. per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.243 |
William J. Sparrow |
123.75 |
1909 |
Wrote Roman Catholic Opposition to Papal Infallibility |
C.I. Scofield’s Reference Bible |
1909 |
Baptist missionaries Eric Lund, Braulio Manikan |
1900-1904 |
Planted churches in the Philippines |
Presbyterian A.T. Pierson, preached 13,000 sermons in Britain, the U.S. and Korea, wrote 50 books |
1869-1911 |
Contributed to The Fundamentals. Scofield Reference Bible editor. Succeeded Spurgeon. Advocate for the poor and foreign missions. Friends with Moody & Muller. |
Wallace Wattles , New Thought writer and Socialist |
1896-1911 |
Wrote The Science of Getting Rich. Excommunicated by the Methodists. |
Henry Bavinck (Reformed) |
1906-1911 |
Reformed Dogmatics and Our Reasonable Faith |
Lottie Moon Baptist missionary to China
-1913 |
Highly educated. Worked in a small village in Shantung, China. Died of malnourishment (only 50 pounds) after helping villagers after the Yellow River floods |
Millionaire missionary Billiam Borden of Yale |
1887-1913 |
Led Christian group of 1,000 at Yale. Died in Egypt of brain meningitis at 25 years old, studying Arabic to minister to Muslim Chinese with China Inland Mission. |
Turks kill many Estorians in Urmia, Iran |
1914 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.243 |
Presbyterian pastor W.G. Moorehead |
1862-1914 |
Missionary, Pastor, and seminary president |
Oneness Pentecostalism (denies the Trinity) |
1914- |
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Mary Slessor
-1/13/1915 |
Protestant missionary to Nigeria. Contracted malaria on her first mission trip, 1876, and had fevers the rest of her life as a missionary. She stopped infanticide of twins. |
Fanny J. Crosby, blind Puritan writer of over 8,000 hymns |
1820-1915 |
100 million copies. Memorize 5 chapters of the Bible per work. Also a prolific speak on behalf of Christan rescue missions. |
William J. Seymour and the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles, CA. |
4/1906-1915 |
It launched Pentecostalism as a world-wide movement. Taught 3 works of grace: salvation, entire sanctification, and baptism of the Holy Spirit. |
Ottoman Turks and Kurds kill 600K Armenians after revolt |
1915 |
600K others deported, many of whom also died. per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.243 |
Charles de Foucauld, missionary to Tamanrasset, Algeria |
1905-1916 |
Killed by Muslims during a revolt, per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.147 |
Ottoman Turks kill 1/5 of Maronites in Lebanon (100K) |
1916 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.243 |
Andrew Murray (S. Africa) 50 books 190 tracts. Founder of the Africa Evangelical Fellowship |
1848-1917 |
Turks & Kurds kill Nestorians and assassinate leader. |
1917 |
Catholicas mar Benjamin Shimun XIX killed. per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.243 |
5 Apparitions of Mary of Fatima, Portugal. |
1917 |
Gave three secret messages, the second being to devote yourself to the immaculate heart of Mary. One alleged miracle was a temporary change in the appearance of the sun. A photograph was taken of the sun at the same time, showing nothing unusual. |
Evan Henry Hopkins, Holiness writer |
1871-1918 |
Said cannot be holy by imitating Christ. Rather count ourselves dead to sin and let Christ work through us. [Half wrong, because Christ is our example.] |
American Baptist preacher Walter Rauschenbusch starts the social gospel |
1886-1918 |
Denied that Jesus died for our sins. Jesus died to substitute love for selfishness in human society. At 17 repented of his personal sins, giving his life to Christ. Incomplete, because only later did he repent of his social sins. A Founder of the social gospel. God and the USA fight on the same side against Spain. Against US entering WW I. |
Turks kill 80% of all Syrian Orthodox |
1918 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.243 |
Julius Wellhausen |
1872-1918 |
Popularized the JEPD theory of 4 authors of the Pentateuch |
A.B. Simpson a founder of the C&MA |
1865-1919 |
Japanese kill Christians and missionaries in Korea |
1919 |
Suwon church filled with women and kids burned down. per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.243 |
Le Van Trung founds Cao Daist Missionary Church in Vietnam |
1919- |
Mixture of Buddhism, Confucian ethics, ancestor worship, and Catholic-type organization. 1975 2.8 million, per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.149 |
Handley Moule, Anglican theologian, Keswick Convention speaker, many publications |
1865-1920 |
Pandita Ramabai Sarasvati. Brahmin, Sanskrit scholar, and charismatic Christian |
1883-1920 |
She campaigned against marriage of little girls, translated the Bible into Marathi, She opened a home for girls. |
Turks kill Armenian Christians at Marash and Hadjin |
1920 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.243 |
Church of God Cleveland, Pentecostal Holiness church |
1920- |
Roman Catholic Cardinal James Gibbons |
1868-1921 |
B.B. Warfield. Calvinist professor and principal of Princeton Seminary |
1881-1921 |
Wrote on inerrancy. “There have been many evolutionists who have been and have remained theists and Christians” Said spiritual gifts passed away. |
Belgians persecute lnative churches in Congo |
1921 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.243 |
Communist persecutions |
1922- |
Persecution of Christians and others, from the USSR to the Khmer Rouge |
Ernst Troeltsch, Liberal Lutheran homosexual seminary professor. |
1891-2/1923 |
Taught on the ancient, Medieval, and modern historical evolution of religion. Strongly supported Germany in WW1. Influenced Barth. |
Lenin kills 8.6K priests, monks & nuns |
1921-1924 |
Kills even more lay Orthodox, per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.150 |
PC USA Auburn Affirmation. 1274 signers. Bible is not inerrant. Did not have to believe in virgin birth, substitutionary atonement, Jesus’ bodily resurrection or His miracles. |
2.5 |
May 1924 |
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Russell H. Conwell (Baptist) in Philadelphia. Largest church in the USA |
1879-1925 |
You can find diamonds in your backyard if you look, per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.143 |
Scopes Trial (William Jennings Bryan vs. Clarence Darrow |
July 1925 |
A fine for teaching evolution in public schools |
Roland Allen, Anglican missionary to N. China |
1895-1927 |
wrote Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or ours? Start indigenous churches, not missions. |
R.A. Torrey, a leading American Dispensationalist |
1878-1928 |
Baptist who believed in baptism of the Holy Spirit |
Lillias Trotter missionary to Algeria |
1887-1928 |
“Truly if God needed weakness, He had it!” |
R.A. Torrey and C.M. Alexander team up |
1902-1928 |
Lead 130K to Christ, per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.147 |
Frederick Brotherton Meyer, higher life speaker |
1869-1929 |
Friend of D.L. Moody. Preached in England against drunkenness and prostitution. |
ex-Sikh Sadhu Sundar Singh. Preached in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir and Tibet. Visited England and America. |
1909-1929 |
from N. India Preached the gospel, but against the syncretism of Christianity and materialistic, colonialist western culture. Preached as a Sadhu, or “holy man”. |
Robert Dick Wilson, Presbyterian OT Scholar and linguist |
1883-1930 |
Knew 45 languages. Opposed higher criticism and supported OT reliability. |
Mexico tries to exterminate Presbyterians in Tabasco |
1930 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.151 |
C. T. Studd, missionary to China, India, & Africa |
1888-1931 |
Only one life 'twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last. |
Cam Townsend. Wycliffe Bible translators
1934- |
Thousands of translations. After 2010, some translations, like Turkish and Arabic, take out the word "Father" and "son" |
Charles Gore. Anglo-Catholic (Anglican with many Catholic views) |
1875-1932 |
Said Christ on earth, though sinless, emptied himself of all other attributes of Godhead. Founded the Christian Social Union for helping the poor. |
Horace N. Allen, Henry Appenzeller, Horace G. Underwood, William and Mary Scranton |
9/1885-1902/16/32 |
First Protestant (Presbyterian) missionaries to Korea |
The Navigators Christian Fellowship |
1933- |
International Fellowship for college students and military |
British Baptist missionaries William and Alice Pettigrew |
1890-1933 |
Inspired by Judson, went to the Tangkhul-Naga headhunters and Manipur, NE India |
Many Latvian clergy killed |
1934 |
Archbishop John Pommer or Riga killed. per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.243 |
Billy Sunday, famous American evangelist |
1891-1935 |
Former pro baseball player, Presbyterian but not a strong Calvinist. Never critical of Roman Catholicism. Conservative Christian influential in passing Prohibition. |
William E. Blackstone. Dispensationalist |
1866-1935 |
Influential preacher who advocated returning Israel to the Jews. Wrote the Blackstone Memorial, signed by 413 Christian and Jewish leaders. |
USSR underground churches persecuted |
1935 |
I.E. Voronaev killed. per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.243 |
G.K. Chesterton (Roman Catholic) |
1874-1936 |
Willis and Mary Ann Hoover. |
1902-1936 |
They founded the Pentecostal Methodist Church in Chile |
Stalin destroys 80% of all Ukrainian Orthodox churches |
1928-1936 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.151 |
Alphonse Mingana Chaldean Catholic theologian |
1913-1937 |
Collected many Mideast manuscripts financed by Cadbury (of chocolate fame) |
Shantung Revival throughout all of China |
1927-1937 |
One of the largest Baptist revivals |
In Russian communist shoot 85,300 clergy |
1937 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.243 |
Robert Wilder. Influential in American foreign missions. |
1886-1938 |
Started the Student Volunteer Movement, from a 1-month D.L. Moody Conference |
Russian Orthodox Saint Simon Silouan of Athos |
1893-1938 |
Barely literate |
Soviets persecute Orthodox and Catholics in Armenia |
1938 |
Catholicos Khoren I martyred, per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.243 |
Xinjiang, China, Muslims & Communists persecute |
1938 |
Uighur church of 300 destroyed. per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.243 |
Jews intermittently expelled or attacked |
1009-1939 |
Jews attacked by mobs, pogroms, or expelled in Europe & North Africa |
Sir William M. Ramsay, prominent archaeologist, especially on Paul and Acts. |
1880-1939 |
Educated at Tubingen to doubt the accuracy of the Bible, but changed his view after doing the archaeology himself. |
Wilbur M. Smith. Apologist at Moody Bible Inst. A Plea for Vigorous Apologetic |
1940’s |
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship |
1941- |
International Fellowship for college students |
Alfred North Whitehead, mathematician, process philosophy. God evolves with the world. |
1910-1941 |
Wilson Carlile, British evangelist and musician |
1873-1942 |
Former wealthy businessman. Inspired by Moody, worked in the slums |
Mary Reed, missionary to India and Nepal |
1885-1943 |
After she contracted leprosy in 1891, she then ministered to lepers in India until she died at 89 years old. |
Aimee Semple McPherson |
1908-1944 |
Most well-known Pentecostal preacher and faith healer in her time. |
La Violencia in Colombia kills 300K Protestants |
1944 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.154 |
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Lutheran, followed the social gospel. Denied the physical resurrection of Christ. |
1930-1945 |
Saddened by lack of integration in America and persecution of Jews in Germany. In a plot to assassinate Hitler; executed right before Germany surrendered. |
Ernst Loymeyer Conservative German theologian. Wrote 300 works. Friends with Jews, against Nazis and Communism. Soviets executed. |
1912-1946 |
Presbyterian USA Robert Speer |
1889-1947 |
Student Volunteer Movement Recruiter. Opposed Machen, liked Karl Barth. Wrote two articles in The Fundamentals |
Dead Sea scrolls discovered in Qumran |
1947 |
95,000 fragments from 250 B.C. to 68 A.D. Every OT book except Esther & Obadiah. |
R.H. Bowman & Far Eastern Broadcasting Company |
1947- |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.155 |
World Council of Churches |
1948- |
Liberal. 1990 had 404 million members. Supported Marxist guerillas in Zimbabwe. |
United Bible Societies holds first meeting |
1948 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.156 |
British Salvation Army evangelist Gipsy Smith |
1889-1949 |
In major U.S. cities for 50 years, per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.145 |
W.E Vine, Plymouth Brethren, Dispensationalist |
1905-1949 |
Wrote Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, Bible studies |
Estimated 856 million Christians. 881K martyrs/year |
1950 |
World Christian Trends AD 30 – AD 2200 p.642,156. 34% of 2.5 billion world pop. |
North Korea kills Christians, including 500 pastors |
1940-1950 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.157 |
Charismatic Simon Kimbangu founds EJCSK church |
1921-1951 |
In Zaire. in 2000 had 9M members. per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.150 |
Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) |
1951- |
Started by Bill and Vonette Bright 101K students in 2,300 locations across the USA |
Gustavo Guitierrez & Liberation Theology |
1950's-1971- |
World Vision. Founders Bob Pierce, Kyung-Chik Han, and Frank Phillips |
1950- |
Sponsors children, and provides humanitarian aid. $3.14B budget in 100 countries. |
Amy Carmichael Protestant missionary to Tamil Nadu, India for 55 years. Donhavur Fellowship. |
1884-1951 |
Rescued young girls and boys from Hindu temple prostitution and founded an orphanage. Founded a Protestant religious order called Sisters of the Common Life. Crippled after an unhealed broken leg in 1931. |
Samuel Zwemer. Reform missionary, who called Islam “the Calvinism of the Orient” |
1890-1952 |
Emphasized the precious blood of Christ and the Trinity. While < 12 converts in 40 years, but the churches he founded in the Mideast still live on. |
Kenneth A. Kitchen, Biblical and Egyptian chronology. |
1952- |
Against the JEPD theory. Against David Rohl’s Egyptian chronology. Wrote 250 books and articles. |
Rev. Moon’s Divine Principle (Unification Church) |
508 |
1954- |
L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology |
1954- |
Jim and Elizabeth Elliot to the Huaorani (Aucas)
1950-56/2015 |
Jim and 4 others martyred in Ecuador. Elizabeth continued the work. |
Lewis Sperry Chafer, dispensationalist |
1896-1952 |
A founder of Dallas Theological Seminary and its first president |
Methodist John R. Mott |
1986-1955 |
Worked in the SVM. A founder World Missionary Conference (1910) and the World Council of Churches (1948) |
Teilhard de Chardin, heretical Jesuit & paleontologist |
1902-1955 |
Said that all life is a process that will be drawn into God’s being. |
Hinds Feet on High Places, by Hannah Hurnard. 2 M sold |
1955 |
She was a missionary in Haifa, Palestine. She later believed in universal reconciliation. |
Jon Sobrino, Jesuit priest for Liberation theology. In 2007 the Vatican said his works were harmful to the faith. |
1958- |
Wrote No Salvation Outside the Poor. He was also against torture of civilians, and escaped an assassination attempt in El Salvador. |
Victor and Florence Houteff left the Seventh-Day Adventists to start the Davidian Seventh-Day Adventists |
1933-1959 |
God will kill the wicked Seventh-Day Adventists on April 22, 1959. After that they split, one group becoming the Branch Davidians. |
Castro in Cuba kills many Christians |
1959 |
Many died shouting “Long live Christ the king” per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.244 |
Reformed heretic Karl Neibuhr |
1915-1960 |
Preached the Social Gospel. Founded the Fellowship of Socialist Christians. Wrote 20 books and 1,500 articles. |
W.E. Sangster, Methodist revivalist |
1939-1960 |
Methodist evangelist, against religious compromise in Methodism. |
H. Richard Niebuhr. “Yale School” Barthian neo-orthodox “post-liberal” influenced by Troeltsch and Tillich |
1924-1962 |
Described liberal theology as “A god without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross.” |
Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) |
1962 |
Accepts Protestants as "separated brethren" |
C.S. Lewis (Anglican, believed theistic evolution, prayed for the dead) |
1898-1963 |
W |
A.W. Tozer, C&MA pastor and writer |
1919-1963 |
Paul Tillich Liberal Lutheran “God is love” |
1951-1963 |
Josh McDowell, evangelist & author of over 150 books |
1964- |
Ministry started in 1964. Evidence that Demands a Verdict, More than a Carpenter |
World Mission Society Church of God (=Church of Ahnsahnghong, =Elohists) (2 million) |
1964- |
Believes in a heavenly Father and heavenly mother. Founded by Ahnsahnghong, who said he was the incarnation of heavenly father. Have to keep O.T. feasts. |
Leonardo Boff Liberation Theology. ex-Catholic Priest |
1964- |
Called the Pope Benedict XVI (Ratzinger) a leader of religious terrorism. |
Albert Switzer, liberal Christian and medical missionary |
1901-1965 |
Writes about the quest for the historical Jesus |
Chuck Smith starts Calvary Chapel, 17,000 churches |
1965- |
Emil Brunner, co-founder of neoorthodoxy |
1913-1966 |
Camilo Torres Restrepo. Marxist-Leninist Roman Catholic for Liberation theology. |
1954-1966 |
Killed fighting for the ELN guerillas against the Colombian government. His most famous quote is: “If Jesus were alive today, He would be a guerrillero.” |
Juan Luis Segundo, a Jesuit founder of Liberation theology |
1955-1966 |
Uruguayan who spoke against the Catholic church’s indifference towards the poor. |
In N. Nigeria 30K Ibo Christians killed by Muslims |
1966 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.244 |
British charismatic Jackie Pullinger, founder of the St. Stephen’s Society. |
1966- |
A dream showed her to go to Hong Kong. Arrived with no support and only $10. The society treats drug addicts, and witnesses to prostitutes and gang members too. |
Catholic charismatic renewal begins |
1967- |
World Christian Trends AD 30 – AD 2200 p.163 |
Karl Barth, neo-orthodoxy co-founder. His lover Charlotte von Kirschbaum perhaps a ghost writer. |
1919-1968 |
Martin Luther King, Jr., American Baptist minister. |
1955-4/4/1968 |
Significant non-violent Civil Rights leader who denied the bodily resurrection of Jesus and had many affairs. |
Nestorian schism in the Assyrian Church |
1968 |
Ancient Church of the East split from the Assyrian Church of the East |
Moses David and The Family starts in Huntington Beach, CA. (Called Children of God until 1978.) |
1968- |
Have sex with potential converts. Aided by Spirit helpers such as Aphrodite, Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Richard Nixon, and Winston Churchill (from Wikipedia) |
Henry Emerson Fosdick, liberal Baptist preacher against inerrancy, fundamentalists, virgin birth |
1878-1969 |
Agnostic then Episcopal priest James Pike. Later threatened to be kicked out. |
1944-1969 |
Seances, questioned the virgin birth, Hell, the Trinity. One of the first on radio, he had a more popular radio show than Fulton J. Sheen. Union Theological Seminary grad. |
In Cambodia 10K Protestants and 40K Catholics killed |
1970 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.244 |
Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth |
1970 |
Revived interest in the end times |
Samaritan’s Purse, founded by Bob Pierce |
1970- |
Now led by Franklin Graham. Christmas shoeboxes, disaster relief, and heart surgeries. |
In Uganda Idi Amin kills 300K Christians |
1971 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.245 |
Insider (C5) Movement to Muslims (Qur'an & Mohammed from God too, rejects the Trinity) |
1970's- |
Chrislam, syncretistic religion in Nigeria |
1970's- |
William F. Albright, prominent Biblical archaeologist |
1916-1972 |
Worked on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Said biblical accounts of history were largely accurate. |
Watchman Nee, Chinese writer. In prison 20 years |
1920-1972 |
Catholic Charismatic Renewal (ICCRO) |
1972- |
72 million members in 1990, per World Christian Trends AD 30 –AD 2200 p.30 |
Jacques Maritain, Aristotelian Catholic philosopher |
1912-1973 |
Revived interest among Roman Catholics in Thomas Aquinas |
Helen “Mama Luka” Roseveare, WEC medical missionary to the Belgian Congo |
1953-1973 |
Beaten, raped, and imprisoned by the Congolese rebels for 6 months. Released and remained a missionary. |
Christian writer, heretic, or Bible manuscript |
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by Steven M. Morrison, PhD. If you find what you think are any omissions or errors, please email
152 years The Second Great Awakening until Roe v. Wade (1840-1972) 278 entries, including 53.5 missions, 46.5 persecutions, 0 spurious works, and 47 spiritual counterfeits
Second Great Awakening 1840 A.D. until The Fundamentals in 1895 A.D. – 111 entries
The Fundamentals in 1895 until the founding of the World Council of Churches in 1948 A.D. – 110 entries
From the World Council of Churches in 1948 until Roe v. Wade 1973 – 57 entries