Roe v. Wade and Later Teaching on Old and New Testaments Grid – Feb. 2025
Legend for Cells |
On1. The Law was excellent or good. Ps 119:39; Rom 7:12-13,16 |
On11. Old and/or New Covenant Jer 31:31-34; Ezek 26:26-28; Lk 22:20b; Heb7:22,28;8:6-13;9:15;10:9-16 |
W = Wrote explicitly on this teaching |
On2.The Law is/was spiritual. Rom 7:14a |
On12. Using the term “Old Testament” - |
I = Implied this is true or opposite is false |
On3. Law a shadow of the gospel/things to come Col2:17;Heb8:5;10:1 |
On13. Using the term “New Testament” - |
N = Implied since accepted Nicene Creed |
On4. Jesus superseded some OT laws Rom 8:1-4;10:4; Gal 3:25 |
On14. No more animal or blood sacrifices Heb 10:18-20 |
M = Mixed: some agree, others would not |
On5. Scripture/law/prophets/gospel was fulfilled. Lk 24:44; Jn 19:24 |
On15. No need to celebrate the Sabbath (except can fast) Hos 2:11 |
P = partial ex: Irenaeus: Gnostics wrong to say Savior not killed since impassible |
On6. The prophets were until John Mt 11:13; Lk 16:16 |
On16. Eating meats forbidden to Jews OK. Mk 7:17-23, Acts 10:9-16; 11:6-10; 15:28-29; Col 2:16 |
On7. OT said the Messiah had to suffer/die Lk 24:44-46 |
On17. The law is holy Rom 7:12 |
- = no reference found (so far) |
On8. OT has types of Christ Jn 1:51; 3:13; Rom 5:14; 1 Cor 10:1-4 |
On18. OT permitted divorce Mt 19:3-10; Mk 10:4 |
X = Disagree |
On9. Melchizedek was a type of Christ. Ps110:4: Heb7:1-17 |
On19. Jews & Christians worship the same God Mt 8:11-12a ; Acts 22:14; Rom 3:9-31; Heb 1:1 |
blank = not researched yet |
On10. Joshua was a type of Christ - |
On20. OT pointed to salvation in Christ in NT Lk 2-4 |
Writer totals include W’s & I’s but not P’s |
Rows: blue=Bible manuscript, white=Christian writer, khaki=spurious, green=heresy, orange=schism, pink=strange writer, yellow=foreign missions, red=Christians persecuted, purple=Roman Catholics persecuting, brown=Christians persecuting
Christian writer, heretic, or Bible manuscript |
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Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case |
1973 |
Legalizes most abortion in the USA |
C.H. Dodd, directed the New English Bible translation. |
1915-9/1973 |
He believed in present realities, not an apocalyptic future, and Paul was just wrong on some things. |
Lausanne Congress for World Evangelization. Also in 1989, 2010, 2024 |
July 1974 |
2,700 people from 150 countries. Organized by Billy Graham and John R.W. Scott. |
Estimated 1.4 billion Christians |
1975 |
World Christian Trends AD 30 – AD 2200 p.642. 34% of 4.08 billion world population |
Church Universal & Triumphant / Elizabeth Claire Prophet (New Age) |
1975- |
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Lutheran Rudolf Bultmann "demythologizing the Bible" |
1910-1976 |
Championed form criticism of the Bible. Against Nazism. Founded what he called “dialectic theology”. |
Kathryn Kuhlmann, famous faith healer |
1930-1976 |
Some researchers proved at least some of the healings were not genuine. |
Gabriel Olasojji World Evangelism (GOWE) in Nigeria |
1976- |
Crusades in 25 nations by 1988. per World Christian Trends AD 30 –AD 2200 p.169 |
Randy Alcorn. Started Eternal Perspective Ministries. |
1976- |
1976- pro-life, jailed for 2 days, had an $8.2M judgment against him for peaceful protest. He wrote 60 books, 12 M sold, translated into 70 languages |
William Barclay -skeptical that Jesus was God, not affirm the physical resurrection |
1907-1978 |
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Chicago Statement of Biblical Inerrancy (Norm Geisler and R.C. Sproul two of its authors) |
1978 |
Shroud of Turin purportedly surrounding Christ |
1978 |
Later shown to be a fake done centuries ago |
Jim Jones and Jonestown, Guyana kills 925 |
- 11/16/1978 |
Everyone in Jonestown was given red Kool-Aid with cyanide to drink. |
Albanian Mother Teresa of Calcutta, India |
1950-1979 |
Founder of the Sisters of Charity in India. Roman Catholic, pro-life, helped the poor. Rather than relieving pain thought that pain glorified God. |
Jesus Film produced by Campus Crusade (now Cru) |
1979 |
106 languages, 275M viewers, 33M decisions. World Christian Trends AD 30 –AD 2200 p.171 |
Martin Lloyd-Jones, Welsh Congregationalist Calvinist. 1,600 sermons. |
1924-1981 |
Christians must withdraw from churches united with those who deny the essentials of salvation. John Stott vehemently opposed this. |
Human knowledge expanding at 200 M words per hour |
1981 |
World Christian Trends AD 30 –AD 2200 p.173 |
Apparition of Mary of Medjugorje in Bosnia |
1981 |
Among other things she told people to study the book Poem of the God-Man. This is on the Roman Catholic list of forbidden books because it has heretical doctrine. Catholic church only approved her in 2019 by Pope Francis. |
In Peru 50 AOG killed, 800 Quechua Christian leaders killed by Shining Path guerillas |
1981 |
Part per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.245 |
E.J.H. Nash Higher Life |
1927-1982 |
Over 7K boys attended his camps |
Seraphim Rose of Platina, Ca. Russian Orthodox priest |
1962-1982 |
anti-ecumenical. All must pass through three toll-houses after death to be judged. |
Liberal Anglican theologian John A.T. Robinson |
1946-1983 |
Wanted to synthesize Paul Tillich and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Universal salvation: Christ remains on the cross as long as one sinner remains in Hell. Studied NT manuscripts and concluded early dates. |
Bible Knowledge Commentary: New Testament (DTS published) Partial: only up to page 270. |
270 |
1983 |
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Alvin Plantinga (Christian philosopher) |
1957- |
Modal Ontological argument, nature of evil, Molinist. Taught at Calvin College and Notre Dame |
David (Paul) Yonggi Cho of South Korea |
1958- |
830K-member church. Emphasized prayer and cell groups. Controversial because he said the Son controls the 2nd dimension, the Spirit the 4th. |
Cai Sujuan, Queen of the Dark Chamber |
1920-1984 |
Suffered persecution, malaria, Japanese camp. Her book translated into 30 languages. |
Francis Shaeffer |
1922-1984 |
Wrote How Then Shall We Live? Found the L’Abri Community |
Karl Rahner |
1929-1984 |
One of the foremost Catholic theologians of the 20th century. Expert advisor at Vatican II. Wrote 4,000 works plus a 10-volumn encyclopedia |
Liberal Reformed pastor Norman Vincent Peale |
1932-1984 |
Founded Guideposts mag. In 1945. In 1952 wrote The Power of Positive Thinking. |
Catholic theologian Bernard Lonergan |
1936-1984 |
Aristotelian, Thomist theologian |
Gordon H. Clark, Monergistic, anthropopathic, Supralapsarian Calvinist. Wrote 40 books. |
1929-1985 |
Incompatible with the PCA. We’re not puppets but controlled by our will. God completely controls our will. |
Apollo Quiboloy, Philippine evangelist. Oneness |
1985- |
Said he is the “Appointed Son of God”. He determines who goes to heaven. |
Herbert W. Armstrong founds the Worldwide Church of God. Taught the rapture would come in 1986. |
1931-1/1986 |
Taught British-Israelism and followed Mosaic dietary laws. Thought the Trinity was Satanic. After his death there were splits, and one group did accept the Trinity. |
In Nigeria Fulani kill Christians |
1987 |
4 dead |
In Sudan 1K Dinka Christians burned to death by Muslims |
1987 |
per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.245 |
Adrienne von Speyr and (scribe) Roman Catholic priest Hans Urs von Balthasar |
1929-1988 |
Adrienne was a mystic who dictated to Balthasar. An important 20th century Catholic theologian. He wrote at least 85 books 500 articles, 15 volumes on beauty |
Michael Pomazansky, Russian Orthodox theologian |
1936-1988 |
Wrote Orthodox Dogmatic Theology |
J. Vernon Magee (DTS grad) |
1949-1988 |
Through the Bible in 100 languages and 160 countries. |
Walter Martin Regular Baptist pastor, cult apologist |
1960-1989 |
Founded the Christian Research Institute and wrote Kingdom of the Cults. |
Jerry Falwell and The Moral Majority, in 18 states |
1979-1989 |
Conservative Political Action committees. At its height 4 M members, 2 M donors. |
Wang Ming Dao. Imprisoned 1955-1979 |
1923-1991 |
Imprisoned and abdicated Christianity but came back. Wrote A Stone Made Smooth. |
Dumitru Stăniloae, influential Romanian Orthodox priest. |
1928-1993 |
Wrote Dogmatic Orthodox Theology anti-Semitic. Wrote a eulogy of Adolf Hitler. |
David Koresh and the Branch Davidians |
1959-Apr. 19, 1993 |
Spinoff of Seventh-Day Adventists. Koresh claimed to the final prophet. Polygamy, child sexual abuse. 15-day standoff led to death of members in Waco, Texas |
David and Ruth Adenay, missionaries to China |
1934-1994 |
Protestant CIM missionaries to Henan and east China. Founded center in Singapore |
Johan Heyns, Afrikaner Calvinist theologian |
1954-1994 |
Synod moderator. Declared the apartheid is a sin. He was assassinated by pro-Apartheid people. |
Harold E. Camping, president of Family Radio |
1994 |
Wrote in his book 1994? that the world would end in 1994. He did not believe in Hell. |
Hebrew Roots Movement |
1994- |
Charles Hartshorne, process theologian, Ontological argument. |
wrote 1923-1995 |
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Witness Lee, started the local church |
1949-1997 |
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Heaven’s Gate cult, combined UFO’s and theosophy with Bible eschatology. |
1974-3/25/1997 |
39 suicides in Rancho Santa Fe, California. A UFO was coming for them with the Hale-Bop comet. |
Episcopalian Paul van Buren at Temple University, Death of God theologian |
1957-1998 |
“Christian atheist” and Episcopal priest who studied under Karl Barth. He wrote The Secular Meaning of the Gospel. |
Over 5 billion have seen the Jesus film |
-1998 |
George Hunston Williams, Unitarian heretic |
1941-2000 |
Historian of Socinian Unitarians |
Estimated 2 billion Christians |
2000 |
World Christian Trends AD 30 – AD 2200 p.642. 33% of 6.06 billion world population |
Buddhist persecution in Myanmar/Burma |
2000- |
Buddhist government persecutes both Christians and Muslims |
Bart Ehrman, graduate of Moody, Wheaton, Princeton |
2000- |
Authored 30 books. Anglican to Evangelical to liberal Christian to Agnostic |
Charles Templeton, famous Canadian evangelist and TV Show host |
1936-1959-2001 |
With Billy Graham co-found Youth for Christ. Later became an agnostic, then an atheist and later politician. |
R.J Rushdoonie, father of Christian home-schooling |
1944-2001 |
Orthodox Presbyterian. Father of Christian Reconstructionism |
John Romanides, Greek Orthodox priest, taught theosis |
1956-2001 |
Against Augustine & western church for replacing mystical revelation with philosophy |
English Standard Version Bible published by Crossway |
2001 |
Based on the 1971 RSV |
W.A. Criswell, Southern Baptist |
1928-2002 |
Long-time pastor and founder of Criswell Bible College |
John Walvoord. DTS Dispensationalist, DTS President 1952-1986 |
1936-2002 |
Editor of the Bible Knowledge Commentary. Did much to promote Dispensationalism and Premillennialism. Author of 30 books |
Canaan Banana, ex-Methodist pastor, 1st president of Zimbabwe. Wrote The Gospel According to the Ghetto. |
1962-2003 |
Liberation theology. “When I see a guerilla I see Jesus.” He served 6 months in jail for homosexuality. Active in the World Council of Churches and the Org. of African Unity. |
Gleason L. Archer, Jr., Bible Scholar. |
1945-2004 |
Biblical Scholar, against the OT Documentary hypothesis and two Isaiah theories. Princeton grad., served at Park Street Baptist in Boston, then Fuller, then Trinity. |
Stephen Olford (Plymouth Brethren / Baptist) |
1945-2004 |
Sermons broadcast worldwide. Heavily influenced Billy Graham, Adrian Rogers, Charles Stanley, and Jim Elliot. |
Billy Graham (southern Baptist minister) |
1947-2005 |
Preached live to 210 million in 185 countries. Against racial segregation. |
Henry Morris, a founder of ICR |
1942-2006 |
Young earth Creationist and a founder of Institute for Creation Research |
Charles Ryrie DTS Dispensationalist |
1953-2006 |
Systematic theologian |
Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. Bess-seller book 2003 |
2003,2006 |
Movie in 2006. One of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world. |
Hindus persecute Christians Orissa province India |
Aug 2008- |
300+ churches burned, 400+ killed after Maoists kill Hindu Swami Laxmananand |
Dominican heretic Edward Scillebeeckx |
1943-2009 |
Denied the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ |
Clark Pinnock |
1960-2010 |
Evangelical theologian who believed in open theism, and no hell but annihilation |
Robert A. Schuller and the Crystal Cathedral |
-1961-2011 |
The Crystal Cathedral much later went bankrupt. |
John R.W. Stott, British Anglican evangelical |
1966-2011 |
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James Dobson, Focus on the Family (until 2010), Family Policy Alliance |
1967-2010- |
His book, Dare to Discipline, has sold 2 million copies. Was assoc. prof at USC. |
Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins Left Behind Series |
1995- |
Since 1995 65 million books sold, movies (2000), and movie remakes (on-going) |
70 million Christians martyred |
35-July 2014 |
per David B. Barrett of World Christian Encyclopedia |
Joel R. Beeke & Mark Jones (Reformed), Puritan Theology |
1995-2021- |
Beeke heads the Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. |
William Hamilton, co-founder of Christian atheism |
1952-2012 |
Wrote Radical Theology and the Death of God in 1966. |
Hans Kung, liberal Roman Catholic theologian |
1954-2013 |
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Dave Hunt |
1973-2013 |
Good materials on end times and Roman Catholicism. Taught Calvinism is a heresy. |
Still Waters Revival Books. Puritan hard drive |
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Think believing free will exists is a heresy. Arminian worship is blasphemy |
Wolfgang Pannenberg, Lutheran theologian 645 writings, Taught all history is a revelation of Jesus’ resurrection |
1958-2014 |
Influenced by Barth, Hegel, and Löwith. Churches that approve of homosexual practices not true churches. |
Andrew B. Murray and Shepherd’s Chapel |
1985-2014– |
Modalists, serpent seed doctrine, pre-existence of souls, British Israelism, Christian Identity Movement, deny the rapture, Annihilationism |
Douglas Kelley (Reformed) |
2008, 2014 |
Systematic Theology |
Jim and Elizabeth Elliot to the Huaorani (Aucas) |
1950-56/2015 |
Jim and 4 others martyred in Ecuador. Elizabeth continued the work. |
In Nigeria Fulani herdsmen kill Christians |
May 2017-Oct 2017 |
709 Christians, 16 Muslims killed. 130 Christians injured. (5/11/2019) |
In Nigeria Fulani herdsmen kill Christians |
Nov 2017-May 2018- |
After law banning open grazing was passed, 580 Christians killed, 87K fled homes |
R.C. Sproul (Presbyterian apologist) |
1969-2017 |
Books on defending the Bible, and Calvinism |
Thomas J.J. Altizer, tried to be an Episcopal priest, but failed a psychiatric test |
1956-2018 |
Part of the Christian atheism movement. He said once possessed by Satan. Wrote Godhead and nothing. Thought God self-extinguished Himself with Jesus Christ. |
Norm Geisler (Plymouth Brethren apologist) |
1964-2019 |
Key author of Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy. Like Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas. |
Morris Cerullo, Pentecostal evangelist |
1931-2020 |
Bought Jim Bakker’s assets after bankruptcy. Host of Victory Today. |
Desmund Tutu. South African Anglican priest, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and later politician. |
1966-2021 |
Non-violently against apartheid, racial segregation. Later for LGBTQ and church same-sex marriage. Liked Liberation theology excluding the violent aspects. |
Luis Palau, evangelist who started with Billy Graham’s help |
1970-2021 |
Preached to over 25 million in 70 countries. |
Paul Knitter, former Catholic priest, now Universalist. Prof. Emeritus at Union theological Seminary. |
b.1939- |
Wrote “Without Buddha I could not be a Christian”. Criticized by Cardinal Ratzinger. |
William Lane Craig. Expanded Cosmological argument. Molinist |
1977- |
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John Piper, American Reformed Baptist |
1946- |
A prominent reformed author and theologian. |
Beth Moore, Bible teacher |
1978- |
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Southern Baptist pastor Rick Warren. The Purpose Driven Life and … Church |
1979- |
Gives 90% of income to the church and lives off 10%. Controversy because he agreed to do Obama’s Inauguration Ceremony |
Joel Osteen, Prosperity Doctrine Pastor |
1982- |
Wrote Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential and other books. |
Alister McGrath |
1982- |
Northern Irish Anglican priest. A Christian evolutionist who debates against atheism. |
William Dembski |
1988- |
Wrote Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science & Theology |
Conservative Protestant: Alistair Begg, Don Carson, Sinclair Ferguson, Gary Habermas, June Hunt, Greg Laurie, John Warwick Montgomery, David Jeremiah, J.I. Packer, Lee Strobel, Chuck Swindoll, Bible Churches, Southern Baptist, Missionary Baptist, Charismatic, Free Evangelical, Calvary Chapel, C&MA, Antioch Community Church. (600 million) |
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Modern Eastern Orthodox (200 million) |
1672- |
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Modern Roman Catholic (1.29 billion) |
1962- |
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Messianic Jews. Int’l Assoc. of Messianic Congregations & Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations |
1960's- |
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Marianna Slocum and Florence Gerdel |
1956-2017/2019 |
Right after Marianna’s fiancée died of a heart attack, they went to the highland and lowland Tzeltal Indians in Mexico and Páez in Colombia |
COVID-19 greatly affects how churches services held |
3/2020- |
In California at one point, churches could not open, but casinos and bars could. |
Boris Bobrinskoy, French Russian Orthodox theologian |
1954-8/2020 |
A leader of the World Council of Churches. |
Robert Funk/The Jesus Seminar |
1985-2005/2022 |
Liberal scholars voted on which of Jesus’ saying in the gospels they thought were authentic. |
Global United Methodist Church splits from the UMC. |
3/3/2022 |
Split over LGBTQ clergy and members and same-sex marriage. |
Christian writer, heretic, or Bible manuscript |
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by Steven M. Morrison, PhD. If you find what you think are any omissions or errors, please email
51 years Roe v. Wade onwards (1973-) 98 entries, including 7 missions, 8 persecutions, 0 spurious works, and 29 spiritual counterfeits
From Roe v. Wade on (Post-modern church) – 98 entries