Ephesus until Start of Muslim Conquests Teaching on ... Grid – Jan. 2025
Legend for Cells |
1. |
11. |
W = Wrote explicitly on this teaching |
2. |
12. |
I = Implied this is true or opposite is false |
3. |
13. |
N = Implied since accepted Nicene Creed |
4. |
14. |
M = Mixed: some agree, others would not |
5. |
15. |
P = partial ex: Irenaeus: Gnostics wrong to say Savior not killed since impassible |
6. |
16. |
7. |
17. |
- = no reference found (so far) |
8. |
18. |
X = Disagree |
9. |
19. |
blank = not researched yet |
10. |
20. |
Writer totals include W’s & I’s but not P’s |
Rows: blue=Bible manuscript, white=Christian writer, khaki=spurious, green=heresy, orange=schism, pink=strange writer, yellow=foreign missions, red=Christians persecuted, purple=Roman Catholics persecuting, brown=Christians persecuting
Christian writer, heretic, or Bible manuscript |
Pages |
Date A.D. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
Council of Ephesus (200 bishops) against Pelagius & all who were not against Nestorius |
20 |
Jun-Sep 431 |
Philip of Side (Sidetus), Pamphylia. historian |
21.67 |
405-after 431 |
Celestine of Rome to the Council of Ephesus |
1.75 |
431-432 |
Didascalia in Syriac -refers to Nestorians |
70 |
after 432 |
Paul of Emesa (Homs, Syria today) |
after 432 |
Philostorgius, strict Arian historian |
40 |
425-433 |
Vincent of Lerins A Commonitory |
26 |
c.434 |
Mar Rabbula of Urhai (Syriac) Admonitions Concerning Monks. He removed the Diatessaron. |
4.2 |
411-435 |
Isidore of Pelusium (2,000 extant letters) |
c.435 |
Acacius of Beroea. Against Chrysostom, tried to reconcile Cyril & Nestorians |
c.430-437 |
Socrates of Constantin. Ecclesiastical History |
178 |
c.400-439 |
Gospel of Nicodemus First Greek form |
10 |
405-439 |
Arians persecute both Catholics & Donatists in N. Africa |
439 |
per World Christian Trends AD 33-AD 2200 p.238 |
First Council of Orange (17 bishops) |
Nov 8, 441 |
Deposed Cheliderius of Besancon for marrying a widow before becoming a priest. |
Syriac Peshitta (Mt - 1 Pet) |
442- |
Fourth Synod of Arles |
443 or 452 |
Cyril of Alexandria (foe of Diodore) |
444 |
Arsenius of Anachoreta |
445 |
Theodore of Ancyra |
445 |
Proclus of Constantinople |
446 |
Sechnall of Ireland. Hymn to St. Patrick |
439-447/448 |
3rd Persian Christian persecution under Yazdegerd II |
448 |
Yazdegerd II massacres Christians in Kirkuk, modern-day Iraq |
Valerian of Cimiez (for Hilary of A. vs. Leo I) |
c.422-449 |
Second Council of Ephesus (Robbers Council) |
449 |
Flavian of Constantinople |
449 |
Armenian Synod of Artisat |
449 |
Eucherius/Eucharius of Lyons (Cassian’s friend) |
c.434-ca.449 |
Persians attack Armenians and Georgians |
449 |
Armenians and Georgians revolt after Yazdirg II tries to impose Zoroastrianism. |
Balai of Qenneshrin Syriac poet |
400-450 |
Victor of Antioch |
425-450 |
Peter Chrysologus of Ravenna, Italy (vol.3 only) |
179 |
c.433-c.450 |
Passion of St. Saturninus (250 A.D.) |
3 |
420-450 |
Possidus of Calama. Life of Augustine |
20 |
425-433,450 |
Sinaitic Old Syriac (Syr S) Mt 1:1-6:10a, 8:3f-12:4, 12:6-25, 12:29-16:15, 18:11-20:24, 21:20f-25:15, 25:17-20, 25-26, 25:32-28:7, Mk 1:12-44, 2:21-4:17, 5:1-26, 6:5-16:8, Lk 1:36-5:28, 6:12-24:52, Jn 1:25-47, 2:16-4:37, 5:6-25, 5:46-14:9;14:12-18:31, 19:40-end |
5th century |
Marius Mercator (wrote in Latin) |
450 |
Kharitas and 10K companions killed in Ethiopia |
450 |
per World Christian Trends AD 33-AD 2200 p.238 |
Agroecius bishop of Sen, Gaul |
c.450 |
p93 Jn 13:15-17 (3 verses) |
450 |
p127 Acts 10:32-35,40-45;11:2-5;11:30-12:3,5,7-9;15:29-30,34-41;16:1-4, 3-40,17:1-10 (84 verses) |
450 |
Freerianus (I) Paul’s Letters plus Hebrews minus Romans. 1 Cor 10:29; 11:9-10,18-19,26-27; 12:3-4,27-28; 14:12-13,22,32-33;15:3,27-28,38-39,49-50; 16:1-2,12-13; 2 Cor 1:1,9,16-17,2:3-4,14; 3:6-7,16-17; etc. |
450 |
Alexandrinus (All of Mt 25:7-Rev except Jn 6:50-8:52; Rom 16:24; 2 Cor 4:13-12:6. It has Rom 16:25-27 twice.). All of OT except Gen 14:14-17; 15:1-5,16-19,16:6-9; 1 Sam 12:17-14:9; Ps 19:20-79:11.) It also has 1 Clement and 2 Clement up to 12:4. IT also has apocryphal additions to Daniel, Tobit, Judith, 1 Esdras, 1-4 Maccabees, and Sirach. Psalms of Solomon is in the Table of contents but was lost. |
c.450 |
Bodmer 19 Sahidic Coptic Mt 14:28-28:20; Rom 1:1-2:3 |
4th/5th cent. |
p. Michigan 3520 & 6868a Fayyumic Coptic 1 Jn, 2 Pet |
4th/5th cent. |
p7 Lk 4:1-3 (3 verses) |
5th century |
Mt 1:3-5:14; 7:6-17:25; 18:29-22:20; 23:18-24:9;24:46-25:29; 26:23-27:10; 27:49-28:14; Mk 1:18-6:31; 8:6-12:29; 13:20-16:20 (end); Lk 1:3-2:4; 2:43-3:20; 4:26-6:3; 6:37-7:16; 8:29-12:3; 19:43-20:27; 21:21-22:18; 23:26-24:6; 24:26-53 (end); Jn 1:4-40; 3:34-5:16; 6:38-7:2; 8:35-9:10; 11:8-11:46; 13:8-14:7; 16:22-18:35; 20:26-21:25 (end); Acts !1:3-4:2; 5:35-6:7;6:9-10:42; 13:2-16:36; 20:11-21:30; 22:21-23:17; 24:15-26:18; 27:17-28:5; Rom 1:4-2:4; 3:33-9:5; 10:16-11:30; 13:11-16:27 (end); 1 Cor 1:3-7:17; 9:7-13:7;15:41-1624 (end); 2 Cor 1:3-10:7; Gal 1:21-6:18 (end); Eph 1:3-17; 2:19-4:16; Php 1:23-3:4; Col 1:3-4:18 (end); 1 Th 1:2-2:8; 1 Tim 3:10-5:19; 2 Tim 1:3-4:22 (end); Tt 1:3-3:15 (end); Phm 3-25 (end); Heb 2:5-7:25; 9:16-10:23; 12:16-13:25 (end); Jms 1:3-4:3; 1 Pet 1:3-4:4; 2 Pet 1:2-3:18 (end); 1 Jn 1:3-4:2; 3 Jn 3-14; Jde 3-25; Rev 1:3-3:19; 5:15-7:13; 7:18-8:4; 9:17-10:9; 11:4-16:12; 18:3-19:4. Parts of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom and Sirach |
5th century |
Guelferbytanus (Q) Lk, Jn |
5th century |
Borgianus (T) Lk 6:18-26; 18:2-16; 18:32-19:8; 21:33-22:22; 22:30-23:20; 24:25-27,29-31; Jn 1:24-32; 3:10-17; 4:52-5:7, more Jn |
5th century |
Curetonian Old Syriac (Syr C) Mt 1:1-8:22; 10:32-23:25; Mk 16:17-20; Lk 2:48-3:16; 7:33-15:21; 17:24-24:44; Jn 1:1-42; 3:6-7:37; 14:10-29 |
5th century |
048 (= Gregory 2061, Patiriensis) Acts 26:6-27:10(?); 29:3-31; Rom 13:4-15:10(?); 1 Cor 2:1-6:11; 12:23-15:27; 2 Cor 4:7-6:8; 8:9-10:6; Eph 5:6(?)-6:24; Php 1:1(?)-2:8; Col 1:20-4:18; 1 Th 1:1-6; 5:5-6:21; 2 Tim 1:1-2:25; Tt 3:13-15; Phm 1-25; Heb 11:32-13:4; Jms 4:14-5:20; 1 Pet 1:1-12; 2:3(?)-3:15; 1 Jn 4:6-5:21; 2 Jn 1-13; 3 Jn 1:15 |
5th century |
061 1 Tim 3:15-16; 4:1-3; 6:2-4, 5-8 (12 verses) |
5th century |
062 Gal 4:15-5:14 (31 verses) |
5th century |
068 Jn 13:16-17, 19-20, 23-24, 26-27; 16:7-9, 12-13, 15-16, 18-19 (17 verses) |
5th century |
069 Mk 10:50-51; 11:11-12 (4 verses) |
5th century |
077 Acts 13:28-29 (2 verses) |
5th century |
0163, 0165 Acts 3:24-4:14; 4:17-20. 0166 Acts 28:30-31; Jms 1:11 |
5th century |
0172 (Rom 1:27-30; 1:32-2:2), 0175 (Acts 6:7-10,12-15) |
5th century |
0182 Lk 19:18-20,22-24 (6 verses) |
5th century |
0201 (1 Cor 12:2-3,6-13; 14:19-20), 0216 (Jn 8:51-53; 9:5-8), 0217 (Jn 12:2-6,9-11,14-16), 0218 , 0227 (Heb 11:18-19,29), 0238 (Jn 7:10-12) |
5th century |
0240 (Tt 1:4-8), 0254 (Gal 5:13-17), 0261 (Gal 1:9-12,19-22; 4:5-31), 0274 (Mk 6:56-7:4; 7:6-9,13-17,19-23,28,34; 8:3,9-11; 9:20-22,26-41; 9:43-10:1; 10:17-22) |
5th century |
0301 Jn 17:1-4 (4 verses) |
5th century |
0252 Heb 6:2-4,6-7 (5 verses) |
5th century |
Munich BSB, Clm 29170/1 Old Latin Mt 9:17; 9:33-10:2 |
5th century |
Codex Palatinus Old Latin. Mt 12:49b; 13:1-2; 13:3-28:20 with gaps; Jn 1:1-21:25; Lk 1:1-9a; 1:9c-24:53; Mk 1:20f-6:8; 12:37f-40a; 13:2b-3,24-36 with gaps |
5th century (some say c.350) |
Codex Corbiensis II (ff2) Old Latin. Mt 1:1-11:16; Lk 8:48; 10:20-21; 11:45-12:7; Jn 17:15-18:9; 20:22-21:8 with gaps |
5th century |
Codex Sarravianus (Septuagint Greek Torah). Gen 31:53-36:18; Ex 36:8-19; 36:3-6,35-38; 37:1-21; 38:1-31,37-41; 39:1-18,13,15-19; 40:3-32; Lev 1:1-13:17; 13:49-14:6; 14:33-49; 15:24-17:10; 18:28-19:36; 24:9-27:16; Num 1:1-7:85; 11:18-18:1; 18:30-20:22; 25:2-27:3; 29:34-36:12; Dt 4:11-26; 7:13-17:14; 18:8-19:4; Josh 9:33-19:33; Jdg 9:48-10:6; 15:3-18:16; 19:25-21:12 |
5th century |
Gospel of Mary |
5th century |
Kanteans, Manichaean/Magian hybrid |
5th century |
Good god of light and evil god of darkness. Savior came from the god of light |
Besa the Copt (Monophysite) |
5th century |
Merutha of Maiperqat On the Council of Nicea |
2.8 |
5th century? |
Cyprian of Gaul Gen-Jdg poetic paraphrase |
5th century |
Oecumenius of Isauria |
5th century |
Speculum |
5th century |
Euthalius of Sulca -put most of NT in sections |
ca.450 |
Strain on Genesis -likely by Salvian of Marseilles |
420-450 |
Salvian the presbyter from Marseilles On the Government of God |
440-450 |
Hesychius of Jerusalem |
after 450 |
Council of Chalcedon vs. Monophysites (4th) |
18 |
451 |
Fifth Synod of Arles, in support of Chalcedon |
451 |
Byz. Emperor Marcianus closes Coptic churches in Egypt |
451 |
Bishop Macari of Edko martyred per World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200 p.238 |
9 Monophysites and Geez translation in Ethiopia |
after 451 |
Pantelewon, Gerima, Isaac/Yeshaq, Aftse, Guba, Alef, Yem’ata, Liqanos, & Sehma |
ex-patriarch Nestorius Bazaar of Heracleides |
c.128 |
451/452 |
Nestorius 2 Letters to Pope Celestine |
431 |
Quodvultdeus (friend of Augustine) |
453 |
de Promissionibus |
453 |
Julian of Eclanum, Italy (Pelagian) |
c.454 |
Bezae Cantabrigiensis (D) (Gospels & Acts) Mt 1:21-5:19; 5:21-29;5:31-6:19; 9:3-33; 9:35-17:37a; 10:38-41a; 410:42-21:43; 21:45-23:13; 23:15-27:1; 27:13,27:15-28:20; all of Mark except 15:28; All of Luke; All of John except Jn 5:4. Some of Acts and 3 John |
c.455 A.D. |
Patriarch Dioscorus of Alexandria deposed at Chalcedon. Coptic saint |
1.7 |
444-454 |
Arian Vandals under Gaiseric sack Rome |
455 |
Rome loses most of its influence after that. Start of the Middle ages. |
Monophysites kill orthodox patriarch of Alexandria |
457 |
Monophysites chase and kill Proterius. World Christian Trends AD 33-AD 2200 p.117 |
Monophysites & Nestorians in Syria formally split |
457 |
Council of Milan |
457 |
Theodoret of Cyrus (bishop & historian) |
318 |
423-458 |
Many Christians killed in Persia and Armenia |
420-460 |
After Bishop Abdas burned a Zoroastrian temple, many Christian churches burned. |
Isaac of Antioch (Monoph. or Orthodox?) |
451-460 |
Arnobius the Younger of Gaul |
c.460 |
Patrick of Ireland (English missionary to Irish). 100K converts, 200 churches planted. |
15 |
420-461 |
Pope Leo I of Rome (turned back Attila) |
204 |
440-461 |
Syriac B.L. 14425 (Gospels) |
463/464 |
Prosper of Aquitaine (foe of Cassian) -partial |
12 |
426-465 |
Shenoute (friend of Cyril of Alexandria) |
c.450-466 |
Hidatius/Igacius of Gallaecia (Portugal) |
c.401-c.469 |
Sharahb’il Yakuf kills Ethiopian Christians |
c.472 |
Christian missionary Azqir among those killed. |
Diadochus of Photice/Photiki |
c.400-474 |
Christian soldier, statesman, and important historian of secular history |
451-481 |
Moses of Chorene/Khorenatsi History of Armenia |
5.5 |
474,461-491 |
Jewish Babylonian Talmud codifies Pharisaic law |
375-475/500 |
Encyclical of Emperor Basilius (anti-Chalcedon) |
475 |
pseudo-Melito of Sardis de Transit Virginis |
late 5th |
Gelasius of Cyzicus, Hist. of the Council of Nicea |
475 |
Sidonius Apollinaris of Gaul |
451-480 |
Seventh Synod of Arles (30 bishops) |
475/482 |
Against the priest Lucidus, because he supported predestination as Augustine taught |
Acts of Barnabas (claimed to be by John Mark) |
3 |
before 478 |
Varimadum (in Latin) |
445/480 |
Gennadius of Marseilles (semi-Pelagian) continued Jerome’s Lives of Illustrious Men. |
41 |
467-480 |
Henotikon of Zeno |
482 |
Severin evangelizes Austria |
453-482 |
Founds monasteries, cares for the poor, friends with Odoacer. |
Against Varimadus the Arian (pseudo-Vigilius) |
439-484 |
What has been called the Athanasian Creed |
1 |
447/484 |
Nestorian Council of Jundish |
484 |
Honors Pelagian Theodore of Mopsuestia. Disapproves of marriage of monks. |
Vigilius of Africa and Thrace |
after 484 |
Arians persecute Christians in Algeria |
484 |
Arian Visigoth Hunneric persecutes Orthodox Christians in Tipasa, Algeria |
Fourth Persian Council |
486 |
Formally accepts Nestorian view of Christ and says bishops and priests can marry |
Romans shut down Nestorian school in Edessa |
489 |
Roman Emperor Zeno closes Nestorian school; Nestorians flee to Persia |
Victor of Vita, Africa (historian) |
after 489 |
Julianus Pomerius The Contemplative Life |
495 |
Acts of Philip (condemned by Pope Gelasius) |
6.75 |
-496 |
Pope Gelasius of Rome |
died 496 |
Synod of Catholicos Babi |
497 |
John of Resh-aina, Thomas the Tanner, and Karaduset |
497- |
Nestorian missions into central Asia, including the Hephthalite [White] Huns (aka Avars) |
Local Synod of Constantinople |
499 |
Condemns Diodore as Nestorian |
Life of Abercius |
300-500 |
pseudo-Eustathius Liber Chroniconum (includes Commentary on the Six Days of Creation) |
375-500 |
p135 Gal 3:21-22,28-29; 4:31-5:6; 5:10-15 (17 verses) |
300-500 |
Sedulius Scotus (Siadhal) the Elder of Ireland. Epic poem if the Gospels in Virgil’s style. |
450-500 |
Codex Veronensis old Latin Mt 1:12-15:11; 15:24-23:17; 23:28-28:20; Jn 1:1-7:43; 8:13-21:25; Lk 1:1-19:25; 21:30-24:53; Mk 1:1-13:8; 13:20-23; |
475-500 |