Supercultural Principles - Primary and Secondary Super-cultural Teachings
Sept. 29, 2024 version
Four or more pre-Nicene Christians taught each of these and none denied them. (While everything here is true, I included some cultural teachings too. Your task is to find those.)
Sc1. Study or obey God's Word as an authority
Sc2. Old Testament has God’s words; study it
Sc3. New Testament has God’s words; study it
Sc4. Scripture is called the word of God
Sc5. Divine Scripture
Sc6. Scripture is holy / sacred
Sc7. We are to believe Scripture
Sc8. We can understand Scripture
Sc9. Meditate on God’s word/commands
Sc10. Search the Scriptures
Sc11. Scripture or its writers were inspired
Sc12. ? Canon of Scripture/truth/the church
Sc13. Dual meaning of some prophecies
Sc14. Unbelievers don’t understand OT/scripture
Sc15. Veil on many when read Moses/OT
Sc16. Some parts of the Bible are allegorical
Sc17. Lion both good and bad in scripture
Sc18. Don’t twist/corrupt meaning of scripture
Sc19. Acknowledge Bible textual variants
Sc20. Some corrupted [copies of] scripture
Sc21. God's Word/Law is sweeter than honey
On1. The Law was excellent or good
On2. ? The Law is/was spiritual
On3. Law a shadow of gospel/things to come
On4. Jesus superseded some Old Test. laws
On5. Scripture/law/prophets was fulfilled
On6. The prophets were until John
On7. The O.T. said the Messiah had to suffer/die
On8. Old Testament has types of Christ
On9. Melchizedek was a type of Christ
On10. Joshua was a type of Christ
On11. Old and/or New Covenant
Onc12. Use of the term "Old Testament"
On13. Using the term "New Testament"
On14. No more animal or blood sacrifices
On15 No need to celebrate the Sabbath (except can fast)
On16. Eating meats forbidden to Jews OK
On17. The law is holy
On18. Divorce permitted under Mosaic Law
On19. Christians & Jews worship same God
On20. O.T. pointed to salvation in Christ in New
Oc1. Genesis is scripture
Oc2. Exodus is scripture or God says
Oc3. Leviticus is scripture or God says
Oc4. Numbers is scripture or God says
Oc5. Deuteronomy is scripture or God says
Oc6. Joshua is scripture or the Lord says
Oc7. 1 or 2 Samuel is scripture or God says
Oc8. 1 or 2 Kings is scripture or Holy Spirit says
Oc9. Reference to 1 or 2 Chr. as Chronicles
Oc10. Job is scripture or the Lord says
Oc11. Psalms are scripture or God/Spirit spoke
Oc12. Proverbs are scripture or Lord says
Oc13. Isaiah is scripture or Lord/Spirit says
Oc14. Jeremiah is scripture or the Lord says
Oc15. Ezekiel is scripture or the Lord says
Oc16. Daniel is scripture or God showed
Oc17. Hosea is scripture or God/the Word says
Oc18. Joel is scripture or God says
Oc19. Amos is scripture or God says
Oc20. Micah is scripture
Oc21. Habakkuk is scripture or God says
Oc22. Zechariah is scripture or God says
Oc23. Malachi is scripture or God/Spirit says
Oc24. The Twelve [Minor Prophets]
Oc25. The Law and the prophets
Oc26. The "Old Testament" is scripture
Oc27. The Ten Commandments / Decalogue
Nc1. Matthew is scripture
Nc2. Mark is scripture or God says
Nc3. Luke is scripture or God says
Nc4. John is scripture
Nc5. Acts is scripture
Nc6. Paul's letters are authoritative
Nc7. Romans is scripture
Nc8. 1 Corinthians is scripture
Nc9. 2 Corinthians is scripture or God says
Nc10. Galatians is scripture
Nc11. Ephesians is scripture
Nc12. Philippians is scripture
Nc13. Colossians is scripture
Nc14. 1 Thessalonians is scripture
Nc15. 1 Timothy is scripture
Nc16. 2 Timothy is scripture
Nc17. Titus is scripture
Nc18. Revelation is scripture or Lord says
Nc19. The "New Testament" is Scripture
Oa1. Moses wrote Genesis
Oa2. Moses wrote Exodus
Oa3. Moses wrote Leviticus
Oa4. Moses wrote Numbers
Oa5. Moses wrote Deuteronomy
Oa6. David a writer of Psalms
Oa7. Solomon a writer of Proverbs
Oa8. Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes
Oa9. Isaiah/Esias wrote or said Isaiah
Oa10. Jeremiah wrote or said Jeremiah
Oa11. Ezekiel is by Ezekiel
Oa12. Daniel spoke or wrote Daniel
Oa13. Hosea wrote or spoke Hosea
Oa14. Joel wrote Joel
Oa15. Amos wrote Amos
Oa16. Micah wrote or said Micah
Oa17. Habakkuk wrote Habakkuk
Oa18. Zephaniah is by Zephaniah/Sophonias
Oa19. Zechariah wrote Zechariah
Oa20. Malachi wrote Malachi
Oa21. OT has writing in Hebrew
Oa22. Moses wrote the Law [Pentateuch]
Na1. Matthew wrote the Gospel of Matthew
Na2. Mark wrote the Gospel of Mark
Na3. Luke wrote the Gospel of Luke
Na4. John wrote the Gospel of John
Na5. Luke wrote Acts
Na6. Paul wrote Romans
Na7. Paul wrote 1 Corinthians
Na8. Paul wrote 2 Corinthians
Na9. Paul wrote Galatians
Na10. Paul wrote Ephesians
Na11. Paul wrote Philippians
Na12. Paul wrote Colossians
Na13. Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians
Na14. Paul wrote 2 Thessalonians
Na15. Paul wrote 1 Timothy
Na16. Paul wrote a 2nd letter to Timothy
Na17. Paul wrote Titus
Na18. Peter wrote 1 Peter
Na19. John wrote 1 John
Na20. Jude wrote Jude
Na21. At least 1 NT word originally in Greek
Na22. The evangelists [gospel writers]
Mp1. Genesis 49:10 prophesies of Christ
Mp2. Deuteronomy 18:15 prophesies of Christ
Mp3. Psalm 2 prophesies of Christ
Mp4. Psalm 16:8-11 prophesies of Christ
Mp5. Psalm 22 prophesies of Christ
Mp6. Psalm 45 prophesies of Christ
Mp7. Psalm 110:1-2 can only refer to Christ
Mp8. Isaiah 7:14 prophesies of Christ
Mp9. Isaiah 9:6 prophesies of Christ
Mp10. Isaiah 11 prophesies of Christ
Mp11. Isaiah 53 prophesies of Christ
Mp12. Isaiah 62:1-2 prophesies of Christ
Mp13. Isaiah 65:1-2 prophesies of Christ
Mp14. Jeremiah 11:19 prophesies of Christ
Mp15. Daniels' 70 weeks messianic prophecy
Mp16. ? Joel 2:28 prophesies of Christ
Mp17. Micah prophesies of Christ
Mp18. Zechariah 3:1-8 prophesies of Christ
Mp19. Zechariah 9:9 prophesies of Christ
Mp20. Zechariah 12:10-12 prophesies of Christ
Mp21. Mal 3:1-2 prophesies of Christ
Mp22. The Old Test. prophesied about Jesus
Gt1. There is only One True God
Gt2. Living God
Gt3. God / Jesus before birth was incorporeal
Gt4. God is holy, good, or pure
Gt5. God does not speak lies / is Truth
Gt6. God is a Father
Gt7. The Trinity: one God in three 'Persons'
Gt8. God is the Father of all [things]
Gt9. The Father/God is perfect
Gt10. Sun / beam / ray analogy of the Trinity
Gt11. Majesty or glory of God
Gt12. God is Light
Gt13. God of Jesus/Christ
Gt14. God's Holy Name
Gt15. The Godhead
Gt16. God is a consuming fire
Gt17. God is blessed
Gt18. God is Spirit
Gt19. God is not in everything; pantheism is wrong
Gt20. God fills heaven and earth
Ge1. God is everywhere
Ge2. God is almighty (omnipotent)
Ge3. God is sovereign / God's sovereignty
Ge4. Most High God
Ge5. God is above all
Ge6. God or His power is incomparable
Ge7. God does not change / is unchangeable
Ge8. God is uncreated
Ge9. God is eternal
Ge10. God had no beginning / was unoriginated
Ge11. God is incorruptible
Ge12. God is the Ancient of Days
Ge13. God / Jesus is immortal
Ge14. God is inscrutable / unsearchable
Ge15. God knows all / even the secret things
Ge16. God is all-seeing
Ge17. God is invisible
Ge18. God is Lord of heaven and earth
Ge19. Calling God "I Am"
Ge20. the Creator is Our / the True God
Gi1. God is worthy
Gi2. God needs nothing from us
Gi3. God is just / not unjust
Gi4. God will judge/reward people's secrets
Gi5. God punishes
Gi6. God is not mocked
Gi7. God sends evildoers delusion(s)
Gi8. God can be offended
Gi9. God is merciful
Gi10. God wants repentance not sinner's death
Gi11. God / Christ is heals /is healer
Gi12. God is our protector
Gi13. God is our refuge
Gi14. God is our deliverer
Gi15. God/Christ rejoices over us
Gi16. Calling God Abba Father
Gi17. God of Abraham
Gi18. God of Isaac
Gi19. The God of Jacob
Gi20. God of Israel
Gi21. God is patient or long-suffering
Gi22. God is compassionate
Gi23. God loves us or is kind
Gi24. God avenges
Gi26. Abraham's [three] visitors
Gi27. The Lord / God is faithful / trustworthy
Gi29. God is the Lawgiver
Gi30. God has numbered the hairs on your head
Gi31. The Holy One of Israel
Gi32. God of the living
Gi33. God resists the proud
Gi34. God is generous
Gi35. ?All nations blessed throgh Abraham
Gi36. In God we live and move and have our being
Gi37. God is a jealous God
Gi38. Genesis 1:26 refers to Father and Son
Gi39. Fragrance of Heaven/God/Christ/Holy Spirit
T1. Jesus is the Son of God
T2. Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God
T3. The Deity of Jesus our Lord
T4. Jesus is the Word of God
T5. The Son existed from ages past
T6. All things were created through Christ / the Son of God
T7. Jesus obedient or subject to the Father
T8. Worship, praise, or glorify Jesus
T9. Inseparable/Father in Son or Son in Father
T10. Christ at right hand of God/the Father
T11. No one knows the Father except the Son & those revealed
T12. Father and Son are distinct
T13. The Word was distinct from the Father at Creation
T14. Son in the bosom of the Father
T15. An Equality of the Father and Son
T16. God the Son
T17. Specifically "Jesus" is the Only-Begotten / Son / Word / Son of man
T18. Specifically "Jesus Christ" is the Only-Begotten / Son
T19. Specifically "Christ" is the Only-Begotten / Son / Son of man
T20. Specifically the Son is God
T21. The head of Christ is God
T22. Christ had the Spirit of wisdom and understanding
T23. Jesus and the Father are One
T24. Jesus [Ad]ministered His Father's will
T25. Jesus anointed with the oil of gladness/joy
T26. Jesus call the Son before coming to earth
Jb1. Virgin birth of Christ
Jb2. Incarnation of the Word/Jesus
Jb3. Christ emptied Himself
Jb4. Jesus took the form of a servant
Jb5. Word was made/became flesh
Jb6. Jesus humbled Himself
Jb7. Jesus Christ was a real, sinless man
Jb8. Jesus of the tribe of Judah
Jb9. Jesus was born in Bethlehem
Jb10. Jesus brought up by Joseph
Jb11. Jesus' earthly father was a carpenter
Jb12. Jesus [and His family] went to Egypt
Jb13. Jesus from Galilee
Jb14. Jesus on earth was plain-looking
Jb15. Christ/Logos/Son was obedient
Jb16. Jesus was baptized
Jb17. Jesus fasted for 40 days
Jb18. Jesus hungered
Jb19. Baby Jesus presetned at the Temple
Jm1. Jesus went to Capernaum
Jm2. Jesus found/called Nathanael
Jm3. Jesus ministered in Galilee
Jm4. Jesus calling the Twelve
Jm5. Jesus went through Samaria/Samaritan woman
Jm6. Jesus said to destroy this temple in 3 days'
Jm7. Jesus' answer to John
Jm8. The Transfiguration
Jm9. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey
Jm10. Jesus drove out the money-changers
Jm11. Jesus was questioned
Jm12. Last Supper
Jm13. Jesus prayed that this cup would pass
Jm14. Jesus arrested / seized
Jm15. Jesus washed His disciples' feet
Jm16. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss
Jm17. Christ a Hig Priest after the Order of Melchizedek
Jp1. Some despised Christ
Jp2. Jesus was mocked
Jp3. Jesus was crucified or died on the cross
Jp4. Cross's shape or outstretched arms
Jp5. Jesus was hung on a tree [the cross]
Jp6. The wood of the cross
Jp7. Sign of the cross
Jp8. Calling the crucifixion the Passion
Jp9. Christ's crown of thorns
Jp10. Jesus was beaten/scourged/whipped
Jp11. They cast lots for Jesus' clothes
Jp12. Jesus given vinegar and gall to drink
Jp13. Thief/robber on the cross in Paradise
Jp14. Jesus asked why God had forsaken Him
Jp15. Darkness or earthquake at Jesus' death
Jp16. Veil of the Temple torn when Jesus died
Jp17. Jesus' bones were not broken
Jp18. Jesus rose from the dead
Jp19. Jesus rose on/in three days
Jp20. Jesus ascended to heaven
Tt1. Jesus is the/our Lord
Tt2. King of Kings and/or Lord of Lords
Tt3. Jesus is the Alpha and Omega
Tt4. Jesus is the Door or Gate
Tt5. Christ is the Image of God
Tt6. Jesus is the/our Rock/Stone/Cornerstone
Tt7. Jesus is the Light or Light of Light
Tt8. Jesus is our Shepherd
Tt9. Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God
Tt10. Jesus is a Lion / as a lion's whelp
Tt11. Son/Jesus was/was begotten before the morning star
Tt12. Jesus/cross the wisdom & power of God
Tt13. Christ is the Holy One of God
Tt14. Jesus / the Son is the Logos
Tt15. [Christ] the King/Lord of glory
Tt16. Jesus given the Name above every name
It1. Jesus is the first-born (not just of Mary)
It2. Christ is the Second/Last Adam
It3. Jesus called Emmanuel (God with us)
It4. Jesus is our High Priest
It5. Jesus is our Physician/Doctor
It6. Jesus is the Way
It7. Jesus is the Truth
It8. Jesus is our/the Life
It9. Jesus is the Bread or Bread of Life
It10. Jesus is the Vine
It11. Jesus is the Messiah
It12. Jesus a star rising out of Jacob
It13. Christ is of the root of Jesse
It14. Jesus is the descendent/seed of David
It15. Jesus of Nazareth
It16. Jesus is the first fruits
It17. Jesus is a son of Abraham
It18. The sign of Jonah refers to Jesus
It19. Christ is the/our Bridegroom
It20. Christ is our Passover
It21. Jesus is our Advocate
Pu1. Jesus sent by the Father
Pu2. Jesus saved us/is our Savior
Pu3. Jesus was tempted
Pu4. Jesus came to suffer [for us]
Pu5. Christ is the end/fulfillment of the law
Pu6. Jesus/Son of man is Lord of the Sabbath
Pu7. Jesus is our Redeemer / redeemed us
Pu8. Christ finished His work
Pu9. Jesus forgives us / remits sins
Pu10. Jesus: the/One Mediator (between God & man)
Pu11. Jesus bore our sins/infirmities
Pu12. Jesus bore the curse for us
Pu13. Christ suffered shame/disgrace
Pu14. Jesus was a ransom
Pu15. Christ reconciled us
Pu16. Christ overcame/triumphed
Pu17. Grace and truth by Jesus Christ
Pu18. Jesus revealed the Father to us
Pu19. Jesus the Paschal Lamb
Pu20. Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit & fire
Pu21. Jesus provided purification
Pu22. Jesus gives us living water
Pu23. Jesus came to save the lost
Pu24. Jesus/Christ rescued us
Pu25. Do the will of the One who sent Him
Pu26. In 1 Jn 2:1 Jesus is our sins' propitiation
Pu27. The Son / Jesus gives life
Pu28. Jesus called sinners to repentance
Pu29. Jesus came to save His people from their sins
Hs1. Mention of the Holy Spirit
Hs2. The Holy Spirit is God
Hs3. The Divine Spirit
Hs4. Holy Spirit addressed as "He"
Hs5. Person of the Holy Spirit
Hs6. Glorify/worship the Holy Spirit
Hs7. The Holy Spirit is everywhere
Hs8. The Holy Spirit is distinct
Hs9. Holy Spirit called Spirit of truth
Hs10. Sevenfold spirit or seven spirits
Hs11. The Holy Spirit known in the O.T.
Hs12. The Holy Spirit/Comforter was promised
Hs13. Father sent the Holy Spirit
Hs14. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit
Hs15. Paraclete or Holy Spirit already present
Hs16. Spirit was poured out on believers
Hs17. Holy Spirit dwells/lives in us
Hs18. Live in the Spirit
Hs19. We can grieve the Holy Spirit
Hs17. Spirit was poured out on believers
Hs20. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
Hw1. The Power of the Holy Spirit
Hw2. God's Spirit moved over the abyss/waters
Hw3. The Holy Spirit spoke Scripture
Hw4. Sword of the Spirit is the word of God
Hw5. Christ born of Mary by the Holy Spirit
Hw6. Holy Spirit appeared as a dove
Hw7. Holy Spirit came down at Pentecost
Hw8. Holy Spirit gives gifts
Hw9. The Holy Spirit is a gift
Hw10. Fruit of the Spirit
Hw11. Baptized/washed with the Holy Spirit
Hw12. The Holy Spirit seals believers
Hw13. Filled with the Holy Spirit
Hw14. The Holy Spirit directs
Hw15. Holy Spirit taught us
Hw16. The Holy Spirit gives knowledge
Hw17. Spirit gives us guidance/understanding
Hw18. The Comforter/Holy Spirit comforts us
Hw19. Disciples received the Holy Spirit
Hw20. The Holy Spirit witnesses
Hw21. Under trial the SPirit gives us words to say
Wg1. God made all things in heaven and earth
Wg2. Heaven and earth were created good
Wg3. God created things from nothing
Wg4. Six days of Creation
Wg5. God blessed the Seventh Day
Wg6. God imparted the breath of life
Wg7. Garden of Eden
Wg8. Four rivers leaving the Garden of Eden
Wg9. Tree of knowledge
Wg10. Eve from Adam's rib
Wg11. Enoch was translated without dying
Wg12. Noah's ark
Wg13. Judgment of Noah's flood / deluge
Wg14. God confused/altered the languages
Wg15. Scattering after the Tower of Babel
Wg16. Abraham's seed like the stars of heaven
Wg17. Judgment against Sodom or Gomorrah
Wg18. Lot's wife a pillar of salt
Wg19. Jacob's ladder
Wg20. Jacob wrestled with God/an angel
Wg21. ? The seventh day is holy / sanctified
Wo1. God's appearances in the Old Testament
Wo2. The earth is God's footstool
Wo3. God sends the rain on everyone
Wo4. The burning bush of Moses
Wo5. Plagues of Egypt
Wo6. The firstborn of Egypt perished
Wo7. Cloud and/or pillar of fire
Wo8. Crossing the Red Sea
Wo9. Water from the rock
Wo10. [Moses] battling the Amalekites
Wo11. Manna
Wo12. Ark [of the Covenant]
Wo13. Bronze/brazen serpent in the wilderness
Wo14. Hezekiah and the Assyrian army
Wo15. Elisha did miracle(s)
Wo16. Christ with the 3 youths in Daniel
Wo17. Daniel in the lion's den
Wo18. Joshua [Jesus son of Nun] crossed the Jordan
Wo19. ? Joshua's long day [sun stood still]
Wo20. ? Moses’ face shown [with glory]
Wn1. Zechariah was made mute [temporarily]
Wn2. The star [of Bethlehem]
Wn3. Jesus performed miracles
Wn4. Jesus at Cana or turning water to wine
Wn5. Jesus calmed the storm
Wn6. Jesus fed the 5,000
Wn7. Jesus walked on water/waves/deep
Wn8. Jesus healed a leper
Wn9. Jesus healed the paralytic
Wn10. Healing the flow of blood
Wn11. Raising the widow's son
Wn12. Raising Lazarus from the dead
Wn13. The apostle(s) worked miracles
Wn14. Ananias or Sapphira killed
Wn15. Jesus healed the blind
Pe1. People are made in the image of God
Pe2. Our bodies die but our souls are immortal
Pe3. People were made from dust
Pe4. Our bodies will return to dust
Pe5. People are like clay
Pe6. Soul shares body's pain and feelings
Pe7. People have the will to choose
Pe8. We should tremble at God's Word
Pe9. Do not trust in man
Pe10. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
Pe11. Don't gain the whole world to lose soul
Pe12. Positive mention of non-Biblical Jews
Pe13. Even the elect can be deceived.
Pe14. We are God's workmanship
Pe15. People were given dominion over the earth
Pe16. All flesh is grass
Sa1. No way of salvation apart from Christ
Si1. Man fell when Adam and Eve ate the fruit
Si2. Adam & Eve covered themselves for shame
Si3. We have or inherited a sinful nature
Si4. All have sinned
Si5. Those who sin are sin's servants/slaves
Si6. People have guilt
Si7. Reason/understanding was darkened
Si8. People are corrupted / corruptible
Si9. People are hardened
Si10. Idolators/sinners are shameful
Si11. The sinful provoke God
Si12. We were dead in sin
Si13. The conscience of some is seared
Si14. Hardness of people's hearts
Si15. Works of the flesh / sinful nature
Si16. Ezekiel 18 referring to an individual
Si17. World's wisdom is foolishness to God
Si18. Cross/resurrection is foolish to the world
Si19. People deceive others
Si20. Some people deceive themselves
Si21. People themselves have broken cisterns
Si22. People are enslaved by sin / lust / the devil
Si23. Kept from the wise and given to babes
Si24. Don't be double-minded / double-hearted
Si25. [Many] Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah
Si26. Some profess to be wise but are fools
Sa2. Salvation is a gift of God's grace
Sa3. Jesus' death paid for our sins
Sa4. Saved by Jesus' blood or dying for us
Sa5. Even Jews who reject Jesus will perish
Sa6. Believers are God's elect
Sa7. The reprobate (non-elect) will be lost
Sa8. Some elect died before knowing Savior
Sa9. Some follow Christ for a time, yet perish
Sa10. Not saved if living in sin
Sa11. Adoption as sons of God
Sa12. We need to have faith
Sa13. Live by faith
Sa14. We are like God's chickens
Sa15. Shipwrecked faith/salvation
Sa16. Confidence or assurance of salvation
Sa17. Hope in God or Christ
Sa18. Our faith is precious
Sa19. God's great, glorious, precious promises
Sa20. Mystery of the Lord/faith
Sa21. Be born again
Sa22. The precious blood of Christ
Sa23. Heirs of salvation / Christ / the Lord
Sa24. God has called us
Sa25. Predestined or Predestination
Sa26. God can raise Abraham's kids from stones
Sa27. Jesus bestowed remission of sins
Sa28. Many are called but few are chosen
Sa29. Narrow is the gate to life
Sa31. Salvation/church for all kinds of people
Et1. The Antichrist will come -after 125 A.D.
Et2. Heresies & persecution before Antichrist or Christ's return
Et3. Before this will be many lesser antichrists
Et4. Jesus will return in glory -after 125 A.D.
Et5. Rapture of believers
Et6. Resurrection of believers / all
Et7. Christ will judge all / quick and dead
Et8. Believers will judge the world or angels
Et9. Believers are sons of God
Et10. Believers will reign with Christ
Et11. Jesus returns in [literal] clouds
Et12. The Tree of Life
Et13. Fulfillment of the Cosmos has come to us
Et14. The End times tribulation
Et15. Every knee will bow to Jesus
Et16. Moon will turn to blood
Et17. Abomination that causes desolation
Et18. God's future temple on earth/in Jerusalem
Et19. Christ's coming like the days of Noah
Et20. Meeting the Lord in the clouds
Et21. The endtime [sound of the] trumpet
Et22. The Day of the Lord
Rv1. Seven churches in Revelation
Rv2. Two witnesses come before Christ returns
Rv3. The Book of Book of Life / the Living
Rv4. The Beast or his mark
Rv5. The Millennium or the 1,000 years
Rv6. Devil and followers cast in Lake of Fire
Rv7. Heavenly (24) elders in Revelation
Rv8. Woman Babylon in Revelation
Rv9. Two-edged sword out of Christ's mouth
Rv10. Souls under the altar [in Revelation]
Rv11 John was exiled to Patmos
Rv12. Jesus rides the white horse in Rev 19:11-16
Rv13. The Second Death in Rev 2:11; 20:6,14
Rv14. Only Christ worthy to open the scroll
Ut1. The Kingdom of God
Ut2. Inheriting the Kingdom of God
Ut3. Description of God's throne
Ut4. Reincarnation (transmigration) is wrong
Ut5. Believers who die are with God forever
Ut6. Believers have rewards in Heaven
Ut7. All who die rejecting Jesus go to Hell
Ut8. Unquenchable/eternal fire
Ut9. The worm of the lost does not die
Ut10. Church/believers are Christ's bride
Ut11. Paul went up to the third heaven
Ut12. Some lost have more severe judgment
Ut13. Believers have crowns
Ut14. Those who die are with Christ
Ut15. We will put on incorruption
Ut16. The earth shall pass away
Ut17. Abraham's bosom
Ut18. Flesh & blood not inherit God's kingdom
Ut19. The wedding banquet
Ut20. New Heaven and New earth
Ut21. New/heavenly Jerusalem
Ut22. Outer Darkness
Ut23. Gates of Hell/Death/Hades
Ut24. Entering the Kingdom of God
Ut25. Many mansions in heaven
Ut26. Paradise
An1. Angels are servants of God
An2. Holy angel(s)
An3. The heavenly host
An4. The archangel Michael
An5. The angel Gabriel
An6. Four Living Creatures / Seraphim
An7. Cherubim
An8. Guardian angels
An9. Angelic / Heavenly powers
An10. Angels worship/praise God/Jesus
An11. Angels rejoice
An12. Angelic hymns / choir(s)
An13. Angels visit shepherds at Christ's birth
An14. Angels announce/preach the gospel
An15. An angel spoke with Cornelius
An16. Gabriel appeared to Mary
An17. Kids' angels see the face of the Father
An18. Destroying angel(s)
An19. Angels not given in marriage
St1. Satan / the Devil / Lucifer
St2. Satan is called Lucifer
St3. The Devil/Satan is a personal being
St4. Satan looks like an angel of light
St5. Satan/demons fell from heaven
St6. Satan is a dragon
St7. Satan is a serpent
St8. Wiles/craftiness of the devil
St9. Satan deceives
St10. Serpent beguiled Eve
St11. The Serpent was cursed at the fall
St12. Enmity between serpent and Eve's seed
St13. The prince of this world/air is evil/Satan
St14. Satan, a murderer from the beginning
St15. Satan can have lying wonders
St16. Satan sought to sift Peter as wheat
St17. Satan entered into Judas
St18. The devil had envy / jealousy
St19. Snare(s)/scheme(s) of the Devil
St20. The devil possessed free will
Dm1. Demons
Dm2. [Demons are] unclean spirits
Dm3. Power/principalities of darkness
Dm4. Demons can possess people
Dm5. Devil/demons tempt people
Dm6. Demons vex/cause harm to people
Dm7. Demons/Satan can bind people
Dm8. Demons deceive / delude people
Dm9. There are doctrines of demons/devils
Dm10. Demons are worshipped by pagans
Dm11. Demons tremble at/fear Christ
Dm12. Demons subject to Christ
Dm13. Beelzebub/Baalzebub
Dm14. Some cast into the eternal fire for the devil and his angels
Ai1. Adam
Ai2. Eve
Ai3. Abel
Ai4. Cain murdered his brother/Abel
Ai5. Seth [son of Adam and Eve]
Ai6. Enoch
Ai7. Methuselah
Ai8. Lamech
Ai9. Noah got drunk
Ai10. Ham [son of Noah]
Ai11. Shem [son of Noah]
Ai12. Japheth [son of Noah]
Ai13. Canaan [son of Ham]
Ai14. Nimrod/Numrud
Ai15. Abraham, friend of God
Ai16. Lot or his wife
Ai17. Sarai / Sarah
Ai18. Hagar
Ai19. Ishmael
Ai20. Isaac
Ie1. Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice
Ie2. Rebecca [wife of Isaac]
Ie3. Laban [Jacob's father-in-law]
Ie4. Esau
Ie5. Jacob
Ie6. Leah [wife of Jacob]
Ie7. Rachel [wife of Jacob]
Ie8. Reuben (patriarch or tribe)
Ie9. Simeon (patriarch or tribe)
Ie10. Levi (patriarch or tribe)
Ie11. Judah (patriarch or tribe)
Ie12. Tamar / Thamar
Ie13. Dan (patriarch or tribe)
Ie14. Naphtali (patriarch or tribe)
Ie15. Gad (patriarch or tribe)
Ie16. Zebulun/Zebulon
Ie17. Joseph or his brothers
Ie18. Benjamin
Ie19. Manasseh (patriarch or tribe)
Ie14. Ephraim (patriarch or tribe)
Ie21. Patriarch[s]
Ie22. The twelve tribes [of Israel]
Ie23. Job and is sufferings/patience
Es1. Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt
Es2. Miriam
Es3. Aaron, brother of Moses
Es4. Pharaoh during the Exodus
Es5. Korah / Kore
Es6. Balaam or his donkey
Es7. Joshua conquered Canaan
Es8. Rahab of Jericho
Es9. Jephthah [the judge]
Es10. Gideon
Es11. Samson
Es12. Eli [mentor of Samuel]
Es13. Samuel
Es14. Saul [son of Kish]
Es15. David
Es16. [King] Saul persecuted David
Es17. Nathan [the prophet, not the son of David]
Es18. Uriah [the Hittite]
Es20. [King] Solomon
Es21. Hannah [mother of Samuel]
Es22. Jesse [father of David]
Es23. Dathan and Abiram
Es24. Hiram [King of Tyre]
Es25. Deborah [godly judge]
Es26. Caleb [son of Jephunneh]
Dk1. Jeroboam
Dk2. Ahab
Dk3. Elijah was a godly prophet
Dk4. Hezekiah [the godly king]
Dk5. Elisha
Dk6. Naaman [the Syrian leper]
Dk7. Jonah in the fish or warned Ninevites
Dk8. Sennacherib
Dk9. Josiah the godly king
Dk10. Jeconiah/Jechoniah
Dk11. Nebuchadnezzar [King of Babylon]
Dk12. Zedekiah
Dk13. Ezekiel
Dk14. Daniel
Dk15. The 3 youths in Daniel
Dk16. Cyrus [King of Persia]
Dk17. Darius [King of Persia]
Dk18. Artaxerxes [King of Persia]
Dk19. Ezra the scribe/prophet
Dk20. Zerubbabel
Dk21. Joshua the high priest (in Zechariah)
Dk22. Antiochus [Epiphanes] of Syria
Dk23. Rehoboam
Dk24. The prophets are holy
Go1. Mary mother of Jesus was blessed
Go2. Elizabeth [mother of John the Baptist]
Go3. Zechariah, husband of Elizabeth
Go4. John the Baptist leapt in Elizabeth's womb
Go5. Shepherds at Jesus' birth
Go6. The Magi came to Christ
Go7. Simeon [at Jesus' dedication]
Go8. Anna [at Jesus' dedication]
Go9. Herod's slaughter in Bethlehem
Go10. John the Baptist was a godly forerunner
Go11. Andrew the disciple/apostle
Go12. Peter the disciple/apostle
Go13. Philip the disciple/apostle
Go14. Thomas the disciple/apostle
Go15. James son of Zebedee, the disciple/apostle
Go16. [Samaritan] woman at the well
Go17. Mary Magdalene
Go18. Jesus' seventy disciples
Go19. Martha
Go20. Zacchaeus
Go21. John the Baptist ate locusts and wild honey
Go22. John the Baptist was beheaded
Go23. Jesus' twelve disciples
Go24. The rich young ruler
Go25. Annas the former high priest
Go26. The High Priest Caiaphas tried Jesus
Go27. Herod tried Jesus
Go28. Pontius Pilate sentenced Jesus
Go29. Barabbas
Go30. Judas betrayed Jesus
Go31. Judas hanged himself
N1. Matthias
N2. James the Lord's brother was godly
N3. The Ethiopian eunuch
N4. Stephen the martyr
N5. Cornelius the centurion who was saved
N6. Saul of Tarsus persecuted the church
N7. Paul was a godly apostle
N8. Barnabas, companion of Paul
N9. Silas, companion of Paul
N10. Apollos
N11. Paul was in prison/bonds
N12. Paul was persecuted besides prison
N13. Timothy the individual (not just the book)
N14. James [the disciple] was beheaded/slain
N15. Peter was in Rome
X1. God/Christ lives inside of Christians
X2. Our bodies are God's temple/temples
X4. Believers are set free
X5. God renews us
X6. We are children of light
X7. God strengthens us
X8. We are friends of Christ
X9. Pure in heart will see God
X10. None shall separate us from God's love
X11. The Lord disciplines or corrects us
X13. Please the Lord
X14. Glory in the Lord
X15. Seek wisdom from God or His word
X16. Be peaceful, kind, or good
X17. Be strong / strengthened
X18. God's people mourn
X19. Fear/reverence of the Lord/God
X20. We adore/glory in the cross
X21. God's holy people
X22. Speaking of shame
X23. Put unrighteousness/adversary to shame
X24. Do not be ashamed of the cross/Christ
X25. Flesh and spirit war against each other
X26. Seek the Lord / God
X28. There is sin unto death
n1. We need to repent and come to God
n2. Love God
n3. Obey God
n4. Follow Jesus, or His example
n5. Bear/Take up the cross, and follow Christ
n6. Struggle to live a victorious life
n7. Put on the armor of God/righteousness
n8. Faithful Christians still get sick
n9. Suffer persecution or martyrdom
n10. No sorcery, witchcraft, or magic
n11. Exorcism or casting out devils
n12. Live a worthy life
n13. Mortify earthly nature/deeds of the body
n14. Be clothed with/in Christ
n15. You cannot serve two masters
n16. Martyrs are blessed
n17. Losing your life and finding it
n18. Believers are servants of God
n19. We must persevere
n20. We are the light of the world
n21. We wrestle against the devil or sin
n22. Keep away from works of darkness
n23. We are aliens awaiting our eternal home
n24. Don't be bitter
n25. Believers are transformed [now]
n26. The Kingdom of God is within you
n27. Walk in newness of life
n28. Some are worthy of martyrdom
n29. Trust God
Pr1. Prayer to God is important
Pr2. Pray to the Father
Pr3. Pray to Jesus
Pr4. Pray at all times or in any place
Pr5. Pray daily
Pr6. Praise God
Pr7. Thankfulness/gratitude to God
Pr8. Confess to God
Pr9. Forgive us as we forgive others
Pr10. Not into temptation
Pr11. Deliver us from evil
Pr12. The Lord's Prayer
Pr13. Lift up hands to God
Pr14. Bless or pray for your persecutors
Pr15. Pray for rulers and those in authority
Pr16. Incense of the prayers of the saints
Pr17. Pray that God's kingdom come
Pr18. Pray in secret
Pr19. Pray for God's mercy for us
Pr20. Fasting to God is good
Pr21. Pray in secret
Pr22. Pray together
Pr23. Persist/persevere in prayer
In11. Be godly
In2. Keep the commandments of Christ/God
In3. Submit to God
In4. Worship God in spirit and truth
In5. Depart from evil
In6. Do not provoke God
In7. Do not worship any images or idols
In8. Do not worship other gods
In9. Do not make/invent any idols/images to worship
In10. Stars have no influence on people
In11. Dont be in/subject to bondages [to sin]
In12. Do not get drunk
In13. Eating meat is fine
In14. Do not be a glutton or slave of your belly
In15. Vanity, or avoid vain things
In16. Virtue of prudence
In17. Work hard, don't be lazy
In18. It's bad to be a hypocrite
In19. Rule of faith / truth
In20. Have self-control
Lo1. Love all / your neighbor as yourself
Lo2. Have affection towards others
Lo3. Forgive others/enemies
Lo4. Do to others as you would them do to you
Lo5. Do not get revenge
Lo6. Do not hold a grudge
Lo7. Do not murder
Lo8. Abortion is evil/murder
Lo9. Care for the sick
Lo10. Practice hospitality
Lo11. Love covers a multitude of sins
Lo12. Love fulfills the law
Lo13. Show mercy/pity to others
Lo14. Visit those in prison
Lo15. Love your enemies
Lo16. Turn the other cheek
Lo17. Don't be a people pleaser
Lo18. Don't show partiality
Lo19. Cruelty is bad
Lo20. Must not poison others
Lo21. Don't have malice
Lo22. No dissensions
Sp1. Have pure speech
Sp2. No filthy talk
Sp3. If we deny Christ He will deny us
Sp4. Forsake lies
Sp5. Don't swear false oaths / falsely
Sp6. do not swear oaths
Sp7. Don't use flattery (on others)
Sp8. Slandering people is bad
Sp9. Do not be a gossip or chatterer
Sp10. Confess your sins to others
Sp11. Don't boast about yourself
Sp12. Don't be a reviler
Sp13. Bless those who revile/curse you
Sp14. Do not murmur
Pc1. Have peace
Pc2. The peace of God
Pc3. God is the God of peace
Pc4. Don't worry about tomorrow/lilies of the field
Pc5. Lose your life for My sake to find it
Pc6. Be peacemakers or seek peace
Pc7. We rejoice when afflicted
Pc8. We rejoice ' besides being afflicted
Pc9. Be content with what you have
Pc10. No selfish ambition
Pc11. Do not envy or be jealous
Pc12. No rivalry
Pc13. No strife / striving in the flesh
Pc14. Do not covet
Pc15. Be humble or not proud
Pc16. Don't be wise in your own eyes/conceit
Pc17. Don't be conceited
Pc18. We should be patient
Pc19. Don't let the sun go down on your anger
Pc20. Be gentle or meek
Pc21. We'll have tribulation, but Jesus has overcome
Mo1. Heavenly treasure; don't fear earthly loss
Mo2. Offering money/possessions to God
Mo3.Freely you have received, so freely give
Mo4. Give in secret
Mo5. Cannot serve both God and Mammon
Mo6. Do not love money
Mo7. Love of money root of all evils
Mo8. God's house not to be a den of robbers
Mo10. Strive for godliness, not gain
Mo11. No stealing
Mo12. Don't rob others
Mo13. Don't cheat or defraud others
Mo14. No bribes
Mo15. No usury / lending to needy with interest
Mo16. Hoarding is bad
Po1. Help the poor
Po2. Don't oppress the poor or afflicted
Po3. Feed the hungry
Po4. Invite the poor to eat with us
Po5. Blessed are the poor / poor in spirit
Po6. Help widows
Po7. Help orphans / fatherless
Po8. Clothe the naked
Ca1. Calling ourselves Christians
Ca2. Church(es) of God
Ca3. Church(es) of Christ
Ca4. The Church is the body of Christ
Ca5. We are the flock of Christ
Ca6. Learn from prior church writers/councils
Ca7. Christians met together on Sunday
Ca8. Practice water baptism
Ca9. Baptize in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Ca10. Observe the Lord's Supper
Ca11. Calling the Lord's Supper the Eucharist
Ca12. Mention of Easter/Pascha[l]
Ca13. Footwashing
Ca14. Sing hymns to God, the Father, or Jesus
Ca15. Musical choir
Ca16. Cheer up/encourage other believers
Ca17. Correct other believers
Ca18. Shun alleged believers persisting in sin
Ca19. Holy church(es)
Ca20. Catechumens (members in training)
C1. Christ the head of the church
C2. Concept of one universal church
C3. Tradition of the apostles or the church
C4. Priesthood of all believers
C5. The Church/Christians should have unity
C6. Excommunicate or separate from heretics
C7. Churches should greet other churches
C8. Church leaders should accept each other
C9. Must be worthy of being a bishop/priest
C10. Remove leaders fallen in gross sin/heresy
C11. Obey authority of godly church leaders
C12. Reject unchristian church leader authority
C13. Church leaders are shepherds
C14. Ordination [of bishops]
C15. Bishop(s)
C16. The episcopate [office of bishop]
C17. Elders/presbyters
C18. Deacons
C19. Teachers [in the church]
C20.A gospel preacher is worhty of his wages
C21. Priests [in the church]
C22. Sub-deacons
C23. Godly authority besides the Bible
fm1. Honor marriage, no extra-marital relations
fm2. No divorce, except for unfaithfulness
fm3. Remarriage OK after death of spouse
fm4. No homosexuality
fm5. No incestual relations
fm6. Do not lust (sexually)
fm7. We should be pure
fm8. We should be modest
fm9. Do not watch lewd shows
fm10. Do not watch violent shows
fm11. Do not kill/expose infants
fm12. Cherish and nurture our family
fm13. Having kids is fine within marriage
fm14. Train your kids in the Lord
fm15. We should honor our parents
fm16. Do not love family more than Jesus
fm17. Celibacy is better than marriage
fm18. Don't betray others in family
fm19. Eve was Adam's bone and flesh
fm19. No gladiators
fm20. Two become one flesh
Gv1. Honor the king or government
Gv2. Obey government [when not against God]
Gv3. Do not aid in persecuting Christians
Gv4. Pay taxes
Gv5. Citizens of Heaven
Gv6. Christians should not be in lawsuits
Gv7. Officials ought to be just
Gv8. Disobey or change unjust laws
Gv9. Providence, or God governing the world
Gv10. Christ is king, or kingdom of Christ
Gv11. The Kingdom of heaven
Ke1. Preach the gospel to others
Ke2. Bold proclamation of truth
Ke3. Quoting God's word to unbelievers
Ke4. Sharing personal testimonies
Ke5. Creative allegories or metaphors
Ke6. Quoting poetry to share truth
Ke7. Promises of heaven or God's love
Ke8. Threats of Hell or God's wrath
Ke9. Mortal life is fleeting/short
Ke10. Martyrs blood is a testimony
Ke11. Use of Catena of 3 or more verses
Ke12. The cross / Christ a stumbling block to Jews
Ke13. We want non-believers to get saved
Ke14. Make disciples
Pa1. Jesus or us speaking in parables
Pa2. Parable of the sheep and the goats
Pa3. Parable of the prodigal son
Pa4. Parable of the wheat and tares
Pa5. Faith/kingdom of Heaven as a mustard seed
Pa6. Parable of the persistent/importune widow
Pa7. Parable of the fig tree
Pa8. Parable of the good Samaritan
Pa9. Parable of the lost sheep
Pa10. Parable of the lost coin
Pa11. Lazarus and the rich man
Ap1. Answering questions of others
Ap2. Answering alleged contradictions
Ap3. Answering false moral accusations
Ap4. Using questions
Ap5. Nature witnesses to God
Ap6. Appeal to science
Ap7. First Cause (cosmological argument)
Ap8. Only One is supreme
Ap9. Appeal to historians
Ap10. Using chronology in apologetics
Ap11. Moses is older than Homer
Pm1. Be on guard against error
Pm2. Debate and argument in witnessing
Pm3. Showing misconceptions/contradictions
Pm4. Morality vs. evil in other religions
Pm5. Do not judge/condemn others
Pm6. Do not throw pearls before swine
Pm7. Don't give what is holy to the dogs
Pm8. Beware of wolves/false prophets
Pm9. Calling other beliefs delusion(s)
Pm10. Humor or wit in witnessing
Pm11. Harsh rebuke in witnessing
Pm12. Calling people names
Pm13. Ridicule or sarcasm
Pm14. Calling other beliefs fables
Pm15. Calling other beliefs superstitions
Pm16. Calling false teaching / heresy poison
Gn1. The Creator is good
Gn2. Do not call matter evil
Gn3. Avoid Docetic belief - not suffer in flesh
Gn4. Against Cerinthus
Gn5. Against the Nicolaitans
Gn6. Simon Magus and his heresy
Gn7. Against Carpocrates (from Simon)
Gn8. Against Gnostic Menander [Simon's disciple]
Gn9. Against Marcion
Gn10. Dispute Against Valentinian Gnostics
Gn11. Against the Valentinian Gnostic Heracleon
Gn12. Dispute Against Sephtian/Ophite Gnostics
Gn13. Against the Gnostic heretic Apelles
Gn14. Against the Gnostic heretic Basilides
Gn15. Dispute Against Encratite Gnostics
Gn16. Against the Encratite Saturninus/Saturnilus
Gn17. Dispute Against Other Gnostics
Gn18. The [Gnostic] Demiurge is False
Gn19. The [Gnostic] Ogdoad is False
Gn20. The [Gnostic] Pleroma is False
Gn21. Jesus is the Son of the Creator
Pg1. Speaking against human sacrifice
Pg2. Dispute against Magi/Zoroastrians
Pg3. Against Mithras / a sun-god
Pg4. Dispute Druid or other European myths
Pg5. Dispute against Indian Bra[c]hmans
Pg6. Dispute Chaldean/Babylonian religion
Pg7. Dispute Egyptian religion
Pg8. Against religion of the Scythians
Pg9. Against Syrian religion
Pg10. Against Arabian religion
Pg11. Against the [Phrygian] Great Mother
Pg12. Dispute against Greco-Roman paganism
Pg13. Pointing out adulteries of Greek gods
Pg14. Incest of Zeus/Jupiter
Pg15. Apologetic use of Jupiter's tomb
Pg16. Evils of Thyestean banquet
Pg17. Mention of Oedipus
Pg18. Cannibalism of Kronos/Saturn
Pg19. Bloodthirsty Mars, pest/bane of mortals
Pg20. Against Bacchus
Or1. Religion can be bad
Or2. No mixing Christ and other religions
Or3. Dispute against Judaism
Or4-6. Errors of the Pharisees and Sadducees
Or7. Dispute against Sabellian Oneness
Or8. Dispute with Ebionites / Hebion [from Cerinthus]
Or9. No Spiritism or the Occult
Ph1. Dispute philosophy that denies one God
Ph2. Apologetic use of Plato's Timaeus
Ph3-5. Against Pythagoras, Aristotle, Stoics
Ph6-7. Dispute against Epicureans & Cynics
Ph8. Against Pyrrho the philosopher
Ph9. Socrates even said he had a demon
Ph10. We are not ruled by fate
Ph11. Chrysippus [the Stoic] was wrong on some points
ma1. God is timeless or before/ beyond time
ma2. Jesus appeared on earth prior to His birth
ma3. Mention of the laity/layman or clergy
ma4. The church can be called the city of God
ma5. People have free will / choice
ma6. Babylon refers to Rome
ma7. There are greater/mortal and lesser sins
ma8. Christians can lose their salvation
ma9. God knows all things in the future
ma11. Religion is/can be good
ma12. Drinking wine is OK
ma13. No food sacrified to idols
ma14. Christ died for all people
For more info please contact Christian Debater™ P.O. Box 144441 Austin, TX 78714
by Steven M. Morrison, PhD.