Jude – We Need to Contend for the Faith

April 24, 2022 version


When was the Book of Jude written? Nothing in the letter tells us when the book of Jude was written. But there are a number of similarities between Jude and 2 Peter. If Peter referenced Jude in writing, then Jude would probably be written before 65 A.D. On the other hand, if Jude referenced 2 Peter, then Jude might have written it after 80 A.D.


Pre-Nicene and Post-Nicene writers who refer to Jude. Underlined writers said Jude was the author.

Irenaeus (182-188 A.D.)

Synopsis Scripturae Sacrae (350-370 A.D. or 5th century)

The Muratorian Canon (180-210 A.D.)

Ephraim the Syrian (373 A.D.)

Clement of Alexandria (193-202 A.D.)

Cyril of Jerusalem (c.349-386 A.D.)

Tertullian (198-220 A.D.)

X Didymus the Blind (398 A.D.) rejected it because of references to apocryphal books

Origen (225-254 A.D.)

Lucifer of Cagliari (361-c.399 A.D.)

Treatise Against Novatian (254-256 A.D.)

Epiphanius of Salamis (360-403 A.D.)

m Eusebius of Caesarea (319-339/340 A.D.) says that is was disputed

Jerome (373-420 A.D.)

Athanasius (367 A.D.)

Augustine of Hippo (388-430 A.D.)

Hilary of Poitiers (355-367/368 A.D.)

John Cassian (419-430 A.D.)

Prior to Nicea there were 7 quotes of Jude. They quoted 18.81 out of 25 verses quoted from Jude (29%). Based manuscripts, and early Christian writings, we sure of 97.6% of each word in the Epistle of Jude, or every one of the 461 words except for 11

&&&Hermas, Polycarp, Athenagoras?


Early manuscripts of the Jude

p72 (c.300 A.D.) has every verse of 1 Peter, 2 Peter, and Jude.

p78 (=papyrus Oxyrhynchus 2684) (c.300 A.D.) has Jude 4-5,7-8. It is not considered a very reliable text though.

Vaticanus [B] (325-350 A.D.), Sinaiticus [Si] (340-350 A.D.), and Alexandrinus [A] (c.450 A.D.) have all of Jude.


An Outline of Jude

I. Jude 1-2 Greetings

II. Jude 3-4 The reason for writing: the danger

III. Jude 5-16 Unmasking dangerous, false brethren and shepherds

     1. Jude 5-7 Three examples": Israel, Fallen angels, Sodom and Gomorrah

     2. Jude 8-13 False teachers: their speech, character, and destruction

     3. Jude 14-16 Enoch prophecy about false teachers

IV. Jude 17-23 Encouragement to believers

V. Jude 24-25 Concluding Benediction




Jude 1-11 - We Need to Contend for the Faith


1: In Jde 1, who is Jude?



2: In Jde 1, what are the similarities and differences between this book and 2 Peter?



3. In Jde 3, did Jude write another letter about our common salvation?


4. In Jude 3, since we can show our faith by the example of our lives, and God already knows everyone who will be saved anyway, why do we need to contend for the faith?



5. In Jude 3, to what extent should we just share about the faith, vs. contend for the faith against heresies?



6. In Jude 4-10, how could people who were licentious, indulging in unnatural lust, corrupt the flesh, carouse together, and follow ungodly passion, catch a congregation unawares?



7. In Jde 5, what was the point of saving the Israelites out of Egypt and then destroying most of them?



8. In Jde 6, who are the bound angels Jude is mentioning?




9. From Jde 6-7, can we “reason that the angels fell as the result of an immoral act of unnatural lust” as the heretic Rev. Moon taught in the Fifth edition (1977) of the Divine Principle p.71-72?




10. In Jde 9, when did the archangel Michael dispute with Satan about the body of Moses?




11. In Jde 11, what is the way of Cain?




12. In Jde 11, why is Balaam mentioned here?




13. In Jde 11, why is Korah (Core) mentioned here?


Jude 12-25 – Beware of Wandering Stars


1. In Jde 12, what are clouds without water?



2. In Jde 12, what are the twice dead trees of autumn?



3. In Jde 13, why the mention of the raging sea?



4. In Jde 13, why are wandering stars mentioned?



5. In Jde 14, which Enoch is this?



6. In Jde 14-15, why did Jude quote from the pseudo-apocryphal Book of 1 Enoch as true?











7. In Jde 14-15, since Jude [allegedly] received inspiration from the uninspired book of 1 Enoch 1:9, how can Christians criticize Joseph Smith for receiving inspiration from the pagan Egyptian book of the Dead when Joseph Smith wrote the Mormon book of Abraham?






8. In Jde 16 and 2 Pet 2:18, what are the "swelling words", or "boasting about themselves", and do people do that today



9. In Jde 21, since we cannot lose our salvation, how and why do we keep ourselves in the love of God?



10. In Jde 22, what are the seven commands given to believers?



11. In Jde 23, what does it mean to snatch someone from the fire?


Jude 1-11 - We Need to Contend for the Faith - some brief answers


1: In Jde 1, who is Jude?

A: Jude is a brother of James. There was more than one James, but the James here and Jude were probably the half-brothers of Jesus. Other possibilities are Judas (not Iscariot) the apostle, and Judas, a leader in Jerusalem who was sent with Paul, Barnabas, and Silas in Acts 15:22. See The Bible Knowledge Commentary : New Testament and The Tony Evans Bible Commentary p.1390 for more info.


2: In Jde 1, what are the similarities and differences between this book and 2 Peter?

A: Similarities:

1. Servant of Jesus Christ in 2 Peter 1:1 and Jude 1

2. Common salvation in 2 Peter 1 and Jude 3

3. Friends (3x 2 Peter) and (1x Jude)

4. Use of the unusual Greek word (despotes) in 2 Peter 2:1 and Jude 4.

5. Slander of celestial beings in 2 Peter 2:10 and Jude 8

6. Sodom and Gomorrah in 2 Peter 2:6-9 and Jude 7

7. Christ’s Coming Judgment in 2 Peter 3:7,10,12-14 and Jude 13-15,21

8. Similar ending of “now and forever, amen.” 2 Peter 3:18 and Jude 25


1. Where they have similarities, 2 Peter generally goes into more detail, the exception being celestial beings.

2. Apostle 2 Peter 1:1 vs. brother of James Jude 1

3. Grace and peace through knowledge 2 Peter 1:2 vs. mercy, peace and love Jude 2

4. Length: 2 Peter is twice as long as Jude (937 words vs. 459 words in Greek.)

5. Additional topics: for example, 2 Peter 1:3-21 mentions Paul.

6. Jude has very colorful metaphors

7. 2 Peter has additional examples of Noah and dogs.

8. Two apocryphal references in Jude

9. Contending for the faith in Jude vs. escaping corruption in 2 Peter.

10. Jude 7,13 emphasize eternity, while 2 Peter 3:3-8,12 emphasizes time.

11. While Jude is very brief, 2 Peter is written in a way that guards against people believing in “hard Calvinism”. Examples are: “wanting everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9), “denying the Lord who bought them” (2 Peter 2:1), and those who escape the corruption of the world and again are entangled (2 Peter 2:19-22).

Summary: The differences and similarities can be explained by two men with somewhat different styles, who very likely talked with each other, and wrote at a similar time about similar problems, with Peter writing a more extensive letter.


3. In Jde 3, did Jude write another letter about our common salvation?

A: Jude intended to write one kind of letter, but then changed his mind. The Greek word for "contend" is from which we get our word "agonize". There is no evidence, pro or con, that Jude wrote a second letter later. If he did, God was not required to ensure its preservation; God could preserve whatever letters He wished.

   Furthermore, the phrase here does not at all imply Jude had to write a second letter. It simply means that Jude had preferred to write instead about how great our common salvation was, and Jude regretted that there was a need for this kind of letter.

   As a side note, when we (properly and legitimately) criticize other believers as Jude did, we should follow Jude’s lead and do it with concern and regret that the situation is such that rebuke is needed.

   See the Evangelical Commentary on the Bible p.1191 for more info.


4. In Jude 3, since we can show our faith by the example of our lives, and God already knows everyone who will be saved anyway, why do we need to contend for the faith?

A: One reason is that God command us to here, and that is the only reason we need. But beyond that, God often chooses us as the means by which He accomplishes His will of bringing people to Christ. All of our efforts are not successful; we do not know who will accept Christ or not. In fact, some people who appear to almost certainly never accept Christ, naturally speaking, can come to Christ, as Saul of Tarsus did.


5. In Jude 3, to what extent should we just share about the faith, vs. contend for the faith against heresies?

A: It really depends on the immediate situation, and the general culture. Jude referred to share about the faith, but felt the urgent need to shift gears, perhaps based on what he had heard. Sometimes we need to urgently shift gears and address the teaching of wolves attacking the church. When times are not urgent, we should still give some teaching to defend the flock. But in general, most of the time, we should be like Jude and prefer to share about our common salvation.

   See The Expositor's Bible Commentary vol.12 p.388 and The Expositor's Greek New Testament vol.5 p.254 for more info.


6. In Jude 4-10, how could people who were licentious, indulging in unnatural lust, corrupt the flesh, carouse together, and follow ungodly passion, catch a congregation unawares?

A: People can do things in secret. Jude does not say they did any of these things during the worship gatherings. Rather, they did those things unknown to people in the congregation, or they may even have told a few others in the congregation to leave them astray, and yet they were still tolerated. Even worse, some apostates that need unmasking are leaders in the church.

   See the Believer's Bible Commentary p.2340 for more info.


7. In Jde 5, what was the point of saving the Israelites out of Egypt and then destroying most of them?

A: Three points to consider in the answer.

1) People could choose to go with Moses or not. In fact, a mixed multitude, including not Israelites, went with them in Exodus 12:38.

2) The people started out willing to leave and follow God and Moses, but then changed their mind and wished they were back in Egypt in Exodus 16:3.

3) We should learn that, like them, it is not helpful to set out in a good direction if you turn away and want to go back where we came from.


8. In Jde 6, who are the bound angels Jude is mentioning?

A: These are the fallen angels, who are currently bound. There are three different views.

1. Some bound some free: Today some demons are bound, and some are free and do evil on the earth. Even the free demons Jesus encountered were afraid of Jesus casting them into the Abyss.

2. All partially bound: A different view is that all demons are currently bound, but even bound they can influence people. As Bible Difficulties and Seeming Contradictions (p.225-226) says by analogy, “A person may be imprisoned in a penitentiary for life and yet be given the privilege of walking about in the prison yard or even outside of it under certain conditions and restrictions.” See Christian Theology by Millard J. Erickson p.447-448 for more on this view.

3. Combination: My view is a hybrid of the two. Different demons may have different restrictions and different degrees of freedom. Clearly Jude says that the restrictions of some demons have been increased. However, no demons can go against Christ’s commands.


9. From Jde 6-7, can we “reason that the angels fell as the result of an immoral act of unnatural lust” as the heretic Rev. Moon taught in the Fifth edition (1977) of the Divine Principle p.71-72?

A: No. Jude 5-7 gives three examples: the Israelites who came out of Egypt (verse 5), the angels who left their own home (verse 6), and Sodom and Gomorrah (verse 7). Jude makes no mention of the Fall of humankind.


10. In Jde 9, when did the archangel Michael dispute with Satan about the body of Moses?

A: Scripture does not say, and this is no where else mentioned in Scripture. Jude refers to this to make another point, so Jude apparently assumed the readers had heard this before. This was mentioned in the apocryphal work, The Assumption of Moses. which is also called the Testament of Moses. See When Critics Ask p.549 and Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties p.430 for more info. Peter Davids in Hard Sayings of the Bible p.754-756 says that we have most of the Assumption of Moses, except for the ending, which presumably contains this verse.


11. In Jde 11, what is the way of Cain?

A: Cain, son of Adam and Eve, and murderer of his brother Abel, is mentioned in Genesis 4:1-24. We know little else about Cain except for one significant fact: his offering to the Lord was bloodless, and not accepted by God. Both today in some liberal churches, and back then in Gnostic religions, they try to have a "bloodless Christianity"; a Jesus whose blood did not pay for our sins. See the Believer's Bible Commentary p.2342-2343 for more info.


12. In Jde 11, why is Balaam mentioned here?

A: Balaam was different than the other two, in that Balaam did not openly defy God's authority. Balaam still gave honor to God. But Balaam saw being a prophet was a source of wealth, all Balaam saw that he had to do was try to walk the thin line of being as far from God's will as possible, without going too far in disobeying God. See the Believer's Bible Commentary p.2343 for more info.


13. In Jde 11, why is Korah (Core) mentioned here?

A: Korah was a Levite mentioned in Numbers 16:1-38. He was tired of Moses "acting like a prince" and Aaron being the high priest doing the sacrifices. Korah persuaded 250 men, plus others, to rebel against God's leadership. Moses did not fight Korah, but left the matter to God. God caused the earth to open up and sallow the tents and families of Korah and the rebel leaders. Then God caused fire to come out and consume the 250 other men. The common thread between Cain, Balaam, and Korah, is that they refused to submit to God's authority. See the Believer's Bible Commentary p.2343 for more info.


Jude 12-25 – Beware of Wandering Stars - some brief answers


1. In Jde 12, what are clouds without water?

A: For a dry land, they are large, important-looking things that promise much but deliver nothing. They put on a big show, but then the wind drives them away. See the Believer's Bible Commentary p.2343, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary p.1391, The Bible Knowledge Commentary : New Testament p.921, and the Evangelical Commentary on the Bible p.1192 for more info.


2. In Jde 12, what are the twice dead trees of autumn?

A: It could mean very dead trees, or trees killed two times. Regardless, many trees look dead in autumn, when their leaves are gone, and most fruit will only come next year. But these are trees that are really dead, that will never blossom or bear fruit. The top of them looks dead like dormant trees without leaves. But since they are uprooted, the roots, branches, and the entire tree is dead, from top to bottom.

   For a person, this could refer to the second death in Revelation 21:8, or those who knew of Christ but later apostatized in Hebrews 6:4-8 and 2 Peter 2:20-22.

   See the Believer's Bible Commentary p.2343, The Expositor's Greek Testament vol.5 p.269, The Bible Knowledge Commentary : New Testament p.921, the Evangelical Commentary on the Bible p.1192, and The Expositor's Bible Commentary vol.12 p.392-393 for more info.


3. In Jde 13, why the mention of the raging sea?

A: A raging sea has a lot of power. While power can often be utilized for good, such as a mill on a river, this power will not be controlled by anything. It violently goes back and forth, producing only foam. Not only is the power useless, it is actually destructive. See The Bible Knowledge Commentary : New Testament p.922 and the Evangelical Commentary on the Bible p.1192 for more info.


4. In Jde 13, why are wandering stars mentioned?

A: The picture of a wandering star is one of the six or seven stars that did not keep its set place among the other stars but decides to wander around wherever it wants in the heavens. Today we call these planets. If you used a wandering star as a navigation aid, you would become as lost as the wandering star appeared to be. See the Believer's Bible Commentary p.2343, The Bible Knowledge Commentary : New Testament p.922, and The Expositor's Bible Commentary vol.12 p.393 for more info.


5. In Jde 14, which Enoch is this?

A: This is not the Enoch who was Cain’s son in Genesis 4:17. Rather, it was Enoch, descendant of Seth and seventh from Adam in Genesis 5:21-24. This is the same Enoch who walked with God and God took into Heaven. The Enoch in Genesis 4:17, and a son of Cain and third from Adam, is a different Enoch.


6. In Jde 14-15, why did Jude quote from the pseudo-apocryphal Book of 1 Enoch as true?

A: Because this verse is true, though there are errors in other parts of 1 Enoch, which was known prior to 110 B.C.. Four points to consider in the answer.

1. While the quote is in first Enoch, it is not certain that Jude quoted directly from the book of 1 Enoch. While the words are almost the same, they could have been from a common source. The common source could have been a book with this true prophecy in it, or the common source could have been God Himself.

2. 1 Enoch was subjected to variation. While the book was pre-Christian, some think this quote was inserted after Jude was written, and before the 15th century by a misguided monk. You decide for yourself; here is the quote in the Dead Sea Scroll 4Q204; notice the gaps. “… the myriads of his holy ones … flesh for all their … arrogant and wicked …” (This quote is from The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated by Florentino Garcia Martinez).

3. It is not unlikely that Jude did quote from the book of 1 Enoch, and that is OK. 1 Enoch had at least five different authors, and this verse is from the first and earliest part. The Book of 1 Enoch is a mixture of truth and error, and God may have had Jude deliberately quote a truth from there, so that this true prophecy from God would not only be preserved in extra-Biblical sources.

4. Even though 1 Enoch does contain at least one divine truth, that does not mean it should have been a part of Scripture. It is not sufficient for a book to have preserved a few words from God; it must be entirely what God wants in Scripture. The writings of Wesley, Luther, and Calvin contain a great deal of God’s truth too, but that does not mean any of them are without error, and they themselves would have objected to their writings being considered Scripture.

   In summary, as Hank Hanegraff said on the Bible Answer Man radio show on 10/29/1997: the book of 1 Enoch was well-respected. Well-respected means it has many truths, but it does not mean divinely inspired. I can say Jesus is coming again. That is true, but that does not mean I am divinely inspired.

   See Inerrancy p.68, Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties p.430, When Critics Ask p.549-550, The Bible Knowledge Commentary : New Testament p.922, and The Expositor's Bible Commentary vol.12 p.393 for more info.


7. In Jde 14-15, since Jude [allegedly] received inspiration from the uninspired book of 1 Enoch 1:9, how can Christians criticize Joseph Smith for receiving inspiration from the pagan Egyptian book of the Dead when Joseph Smith wrote the Mormon book of Abraham?

A: The book of 1 Enoch is an extra-Biblical Jewish book, of composite origin, with a mixture of truth and error. Jude’s quote matches a verse in the Book of 1 Enoch. Nothing precludes that Enoch did not actually say this.

   In contrast, many have proven that the scroll Joseph Smith fraudulently claimed to translate the Mormon Book of Abraham from was an idolatrous, pagan book.

In Summary:

1. It cannot be proven (or disproven) that Jude copied this verse from Enoch.

2. Even if Jude did take this from the book of 1 Enoch, 1 Enoch is a composite book, and could have fragments of divinely inspired prophecies.

3. In sharp contrast, Joseph Smith’s bogus translation was from a book to idols, an Egyptian Book of the Dead.

More on Joseph Smith and the Mormon Book of Abraham

Background on Jewish book of 1 Enoch:

1 Enoch is a composite book, with five parts written at various times by various authors. The quote in question is from the first and earliest part. However, it is possible that the quote was added later. The earliest copy we have is a fragment from the Dead Sea scrolls. However, the earliest copy with this quote is from the 15th century in Ethiopia. It has some truth in it, but is has mythological aspects too, with all the discussion of various angels and demons. The book of 1 Enoch is not lost to the modern world. For more info, and to read the Ethiopic and Slavonic versions of 1 Enoch, see The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha vol. 1.

Background on the Egyptian Book of the Dead:

The Egyptian Book of the Dead was probably not read much. Rather, its purpose was to be buried with the wealthy dead person to act as a magic charm to ease their entry into the afterlife. There were as many variations of the book of the dead as there were copies, as each one had the deceased’s name written in it. Many have translated the actual fragment Joseph Smith used to allegedly translate the Book of Abraham. From a Mormon source, you can read the translation in The Message of the Joseph Smith Papyrii by Hugh Nibley (Deseret Books, 1975). For non-Mormon sources you can read The Changing World of Mormonism by Jerald and Sandra Tanner (Moody Press, 1981) p.360, or The Book of Abraham Papyrus Found p.14). All three translations are essentially the same.

Background on the Mormon Book of Abraham:

According to Joseph Smith, the Mormon Book of Abraham was allegedly written by Abraham about his travels in Egypt. Joseph Smith claimed it was written in the same language as the Book of Mormon, and Joseph Smith translated it with supernatural assistance. The Salt-Lake City Mormons (LDS) have four scriptures, and one of them, the Pearl of Great Price, contains The Book of Abraham as one of its books. The Book of Abraham 1:21-26 is the only Mormon-scriptural basis for the Mormons’ anti-black doctrine. This said it was that blacks could never hold the highest priesthood. This doctrine was changed by the Mormon Church in 1978.

Background on Joseph Smith’s Claim:

1. Joseph Smith claimed he “translated” the scrolls in Pearl of Great Price p.29.

2. Three of the four original English copies had the Egyptian characters next to the English.

3. The three pictures match

4. Most telling of all, Joseph Smith wrote a book, Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar, where he purportedly tried to teach others his fake Egyptian.

5. Smith translated an average of over 100 words per Egyptian hieroglyph, when it should have been one to two words per hieroglyph.

6. Nobody caught Joseph Smith in this fraud at that time, because there was nobody in America at that time who could read ancient Egyptian.

In Summary: The Mormons have as a part of scripture a bogus translation of an idolatrous, pagan book. While some of them have seen similarity between their situation and Jude 14 being found in 1 Enoch. The situation is totally different because

1. Even if Jude did quote from the book of 1 Enoch, it is not an idolatrous, occultic book. It is Jewish book with a blend of truth and error.

2. It cannot be determined if Jude actually did quote from the book of 1 Enoch. They may have had a common source, or this could have been added to 1 Enoch before the 15th century by a misguided monk.


8. In Jde 16 and 2 Pet 2:18, what are the "swelling words", or "boasting about themselves", and do people do that today

A: The Greek word here, hyperonka, literally means "puffed up" or "swollen". The term "swollen words" means making inflationary statements about their importance and usefulness. People today can think that others will think more highly of them if they make untrue or exaggerated statements about themselves. Their first mistake is thinking that other people will believe them. After credibility is lost, it is hard to regain. See The Bible Knowledge Commentary : New Testament p.922 for more info.


9. In Jde 21, since we cannot lose our salvation, how and why do we keep ourselves in the love of God?

A: Some genuine Christians believe people can lose their salvation. Others do not. Regardless though, all can agree that just as a child can do things that bring tears to both his parents eyes and his own, we can do things that break the heart of God. Just as a child can want to run away from home, we, like Jonah, can try to run away from God. Even Christians can be involved in a cult or walk away from the faith. However, if they are going to heaven, they will persevere and come back. See the Evangelical Commentary on the Bible p.1193 for more info.


10. In Jde 22, what are the seven commands given to believers?

A: There are seven commands.

Jude 3 Earnestly contend for the faith

Jude 17 Remember the teachings and especially the warnings of the apostles.

Jude 20 Build yourselves up in the faith

Jude 20 Pray in the Holy Spirit

Jude 21 Keep yourselves in the love of God

Jude 21 Look for the Lord's mercy to bring you to eternal life

Jude 22 Give mercy to wavering Christians, snatch others from the fire, and help the corrupt, with fear and caution.

   See The Bible Knowledge Commentary : New Testament p.923, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary p.1391-1392, and the Evangelical Commentary on the Bible p.1192 for more info.


11. In Jde 23, what does it mean to snatch someone from the fire?

A: This sounds similar to Amos 4:11, where the Israelites were described as a firebrand plucked from burning. The high priest Joshua was also a brand plucked from the fire in Zechariah 3:2. When a stick has already started burning in a fire, it means taking it out of the fire so it will not burn up then. In a similar way, we want to share the gospel with sinners so that they can hear the gospel through our words, and God, through us, can snatch them from the fire of hell. We cannot substitute for the cross, but we can be instrumental in bringing the message of the cross to lead people to Christ.

   See the New International Bible Commentary p.1592 and the discussion on the discussion on Colossians 1:24 for more info.



by Steven M. Morrison, PhD.